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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

New Plants

New Plants

New varieties recently added to the Woodbridge Nursery online catalogue.

There are 9 products.

Showing 1-9 of 9 item(s)
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  • Height range: large (81 - 120cm)
  • Flowering time: spring
  • Flowering time: winter

Aster 'Woods Blue'

Late summer flowering variety with fine petalled soft blue flowers, clumping and non invasive. Combine with deschampsia, echinacea, sedums and eupatorium.

Price $8.50
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Digitalis mertonensis

Strawberry coloured blooms with for a sheltered morning sun position or shade, a beautiful variety that doesnt self seed as much as the usual types.

Price $9.50
In stock

Erysimum 'Brown Sugar'

A lovely variation on 'Bicolor' with copper two tone flowers for much of winter. Perennial wallflowers require good drainage and dont like it too wet.

Price $9.50
In stock

Monarda 'Jacob Cline'

The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.

Price $8.50
In stock

Pachystegia 'Prebbleton'

We originally raised this from a batch of wild seed collected for us by some friends in Prebbleton New Zealand. We have reproduced these from cuttings, as special charachteristic is better vigour than the usual insignis seedlings. Leaves are olive green with a hint of grey, branching bushy spectacular shrub with white flowers for a sunny alkaline well...

Price $16.50
Last items in stock

Salvia 'Anthony Parker'

Blue and indigo flowers on a bushy plant similar is size and shape to 'Megan's Magic'. Cold hardy and handsome, requires pruning every second year. Suitable for cottage garden and perennial plantings.

Price $9.50
In stock

Allium 'Mnt Everest'

Superb tall drumstick type allium with white flowers, ensure very well drained soil and not too wet in winter and dry in summer, especially after flowering

Price $12.50

Anigazanthos 'Big Red'

Strong upright variety great for amongst grasses and floral work. Best on drained soils. Cut to the ground in winter every 2-3 years when growth congested.

Price $8.50