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New Plants

New Plants

New varieties recently added to the Woodbridge Nursery online catalogue.

There are 5 products.

Showing 1-5 of 5 item(s)
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  • Height range: tall (121cm plus)
  • Frost tolerance: moderate
  • Frost tolerance: poor
  • Flowering time: winter

Agave attenuata

Sculptural plant with large fleshy leaves from central Mexico. Great container and rock garden plant for sunny dry conditions, combine with other succulents and grasses.

Price $12.50
In stock

Agastache 'Sweet Lili'

One of the most beautiful agastache we have trialled, raised by Lambley Nursery. Tall and profusely flowering, best sited amongst grasses and taller perennials such as helenium and veronicastrum for background effect, loves good soil and fertility and needs a good cutback after flowering.

Price $12.50

Lysimachia ephemerum

Compact non-invasive clumping perennial with tall white flowers and grey green foliage. Like other lysimachia, these prefer fertile moisture retentive, clay based soils.

Price $8.50

Verbena hastata 'Blue Spires'

Perennial verbena, more leafy and bushy than Verbena bonariensis, a good summer border plant with rich colour. Cut back foliage to avoid harbouring mildew in autumn.

Price $8.50

Westringia 'Wynyabie Gem'

One of the better Westringia erimicola cultivars that shapes very well, and provides a lasting dense hedge or screen. Lavender flowers and great bird habitat, avoid winter wet.

Price $8.50