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New Plants

New Plants

New varieties recently added to the Woodbridge Nursery online catalogue.

There are 4 products.

Showing 1-4 of 4 item(s)
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  • Light requirement: full sun to partial shade
  • Height range: large (81 - 120cm)

Hydrangea paniculata

More sun tolerant than other hydrangea varieties, but adaptable to part shade also. Beautiful deciduous variety with densely clustered white panicles in summer. Lovely feature plant behind perennials with deciduous viburnums,  or grouped in woodland settings. 

Price $12.50
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Monarda 'Jacob Cline'

The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.

Price $8.50
In stock

Pachystegia 'Prebbleton'

We originally raised this from a batch of wild seed collected for us by some friends in Prebbleton New Zealand. We have reproduced these from cuttings, as special charachteristic is better vigour than the usual insignis seedlings. Leaves are olive green with a hint of grey, branching bushy spectacular shrub with white flowers for a sunny alkaline well...

Price $16.50
Last items in stock

Panicum amarum

Perennial grass from USA, an attractive textural variant for grass plantings. Beautiful upright blue grey foliage, clumping and non seeding very dry and cold tolerant, one of the best panicum.

Price $9.50
In stock