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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 128 products.

Showing 21-40 of 128 item(s)
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  • Drought resistance: medium
  • Drought resistance: very good
  • Frost tolerance: extremely good

Aster 'Lady in Black'

Later season Aster laterifolius cultivar with dark foliage and pink flowers. A attractive foliage variation and mounding habit has a soft effect. Great in meadow style plantings with other perennials.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aster 'Little Carlow'

A vigorous tall late summer flowering variety that never disappoints in its florferous abundance, provides good fill and the blue looks great with autumn grasses, sedums and rudbeckia.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aster 'Midnight'

A striking prolific and bushy medium height variety that flowers late summer, both foliage and flowers are darker colours that combine well with autumn golds and ochres.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aster 'Winston Churchill'

Rich pink variety, easy cottage garden plant flowering in autumn. Combine with ornamental grasses and sedums.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aster 'Woods Blue'

Late summer flowering variety with fine petalled soft blue flowers, clumping and non invasive. Combine with deschampsia, echinacea, sedums and eupatorium.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aubretia 'Rose Cascade'

Prolific carpeting ground cover flowering in spring, along with phlox, auriculas, and pulsatilla. They look best tumbling over a wall or in a rock garden where they get good sun and drainage. 

Price $9.50
In stock

Austrostipa elegantissima

A brilliant low grass with outstanding flowers and seedheads, suitable for massed foreground plantings in landscape design work or in clusters amongst other perennials. A slender plant so plant closely at 25cm for best results. Not self seeding in our trial stockbeds. 

Price $9.50
In stock

Calamagrostis brachytricha

Lovely fluffy flowering texture in summer providing great fill and a soft contrast. A great grass all round and in early stages grows much like 'Karl Forester' until flowering time, when it looks very different; responds best in heavier fertile soils, and to date doesnt seed here. 

Price $9.50
In stock

Campanula persicifolia 'Boule de Neige'

A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.

Price $8.50
In stock

Centaurea bella

A beautiful variety for mediterranean themed gardens and one of our favourite matt forming perennials. The silver foliage is evergreen and creates a good low ground cover for edges and foreground plantings. Added to its attractive appearance, easy cultivation and a long flowering period makes it a great plant for Australian gardens.

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Clematis aristata

Climbing Tasmanian clematis with simple, white flowers. Dense, bushy growth and attractive olive green occasionally purple foliage. Responds well to pruning.

Price $12.50
In stock

Clematis gentianoides

Low mounding variety that will trail over a wall or amongst rocks, likes drained drier soil types. Tasmanian native, very pretty plant and surprisingly tough, will withstand summer dry.

Price $12.50
In stock

Clematis x petrei 'Perfection'

A pretty covering clematis that looks good tumbling over a wall or embankment. Likes alkaline free draining soil and flowers for a long time, compact and abundant.

Price $12.50
Last items in stock

Convolvulus cneorum

Mounding plant with evergreen silvery foliage and white flowers, native to coastal Spain and Tuscany. Suited to dry sunny banks with no or minimal water and prefers slightly alkaline soil.

Price $8.50
In stock

Corydalis flexuosa

Low growing plant for shade or part shade, with spreading ground covering habit and porcelian blue flowers. Prefers open textured soil and easily divided once established, combines well with other woodland plants like anemone, rodgersia, and epimedium.

Price $8.50
In stock

Digitalis mertonensis

Strawberry coloured blooms with for a sheltered morning sun position or shade, a beautiful variety that doesnt self seed as much as the usual types.

Price $9.50
In stock

Eryngium 'Glitter White'

A striking cut flower and useful mid summer texture plant between grasses, asters,  echinacea, heleniums and sedums. Easy to cultivate, most effective in multiple 25cm spaced group  plantings of 3, 5, 7  and upward for maximum impact.

Price $9.50
In stock

Filipendula camtschatica

Lush leafy perennial for fertile clay soils, larger and more bushy in habit than Filipendula rubra with white flowers. Plant with gunnera, Lysimachia cletheroides and Iris siberica around ponds and water features.

Price $9.50
In stock

Filipendula ulmaria

Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.

Price $8.50
In stock

Galanthus elwesii

Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust  species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile...

Price $9.50
In stock