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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 26 products.

Showing 21-26 of 26 item(s)
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  • Height range: medium (21 - 80cm)
  • Frost tolerance: moderate
  • Flowering time: spring
  • Flowering time: summer
  • Flowering time: winter

Scabiosa 'Pink Lace'

A terrific evergreen ground covering plant with a long flowering season, ideal beneath roses or amongst meadow or perennial border plantings. Very useful for foreground plantings as its only knee high and creates good fill.

Price $9.50
In stock

Veronica gentianoides

Lovely pale blue flowers in spires over glossy foliage make this a popular cottage garden plant for sun or part shade. Best in clumps amongst roses, or salvias in a position that's not too hot with plenty of mulch.

Price $9.50
In stock

Chionochloa flavicans

One our favourite new grasses, waist high flowers with rich green foliage, creating good mounding fill and texture within summer perennial plantings. Grows best on heavier fertile soils, and responds well to moisture in summer if available, but not overly demanding.

Price $9.50

Erysimum 'Primrose Gem'

Pretty variety that begins soft yellow then fades as the flowers age. Prolific flowering during winter, liking drained soils and drying out a little in summer. Cut back fairly hard early summer to around 2/3 to half height to keep compact. Looks terrific in mass plantings like all the wallflowers.

Price $9.50

Santolina rosmarinifolia

Edible santolina, said to add the flavouring of olives to marinades and baked dishes. Combine with thyme, rosemary, basil and tarragon flavours. Attractive and abundant yellow pompoms.

Price $8.50