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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 62 products.

Showing 21-40 of 62 item(s)
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  • Light requirement: full sun
  • Light requirement: partial shade
  • Frost tolerance: extremely good
  • Frost tolerance: poor
  • Flowering time: summer

Eryngium 'Glitter White'

A striking cut flower and useful mid summer texture plant between grasses, asters,  echinacea, heleniums and sedums. Easy to cultivate, most effective in multiple 25cm spaced group  plantings of 3, 5, 7  and upward for maximum impact.

Price $9.50
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Galanthus elwesii

Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust  species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile...

Price $9.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Amethyst'

Attractive multicoloured variety, which starts off as lime green and cream then ages to pink or pale blue depending on soil pH. Morning sun only, best in part shade with good drainage.

Price $12.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Nigra'

Attractive dark stemmed form of Hydrangea macrophylla, flowers can vary from blue in acid soil or pink in alkaline. Old fashioned mop top flowers, good for floral work.

Price $9.50
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Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake'

Beautiful semi deciduous shrub with attractive textured multicoloured leaves and white flowers, likes good drainage and shade or dappled sun. Can often retain its leaves but benefits from an occasional light prune to promote basal growth.

Price $12.50
In stock

Kniphofia 'Maid of Orleans'

Slender upright green, lemon and cream coloured poker , flowers fading to a softer colour as they age. Superb cut flower & accent plant amongst grasses and perennials.

Price $9.50
In stock

Kniphofia 'Poco Lemon' dwarf

A compact low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful lemon yellow flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.

Price $8.50
In stock

Kniphofia 'Poco Orange' dwarf

A terrific low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful burnt orange flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.

Price $8.50
In stock

Lamium ovarla

Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.

Price $9.50
In stock

Miscanthus 'Eileen Quinn'

Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.

Price $9.50
In stock

Persicaria 'Fascination'

A good plant for medium to heavy soils, flowering in summer with sedums, echinacea, rudbeckia and heleniums; fills nicely in the perennial border and amongst ornamental grasses

Price $9.50
In stock

Polygonatum 'Silver Edge'

Beautiful silver variegated form of the "Solomons Seal", each leaf lined with a white line around its outer edge. Easy to grow in shade under trees and shrubs.

Price $9.50
In stock

Rudbeckia 'Sundance'

A very late flowering variety with tall wiry stems and in its early stages an interesting tight flower bud, providing a similar effect to craspedia globosa. Attractive low basal foliage, and a sculptural interesting plant for late summer groupings.

Price $9.50
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Rudbeckia fulgilda var. deamii

Strong growing upright variety, taller than 'Goldsturm' with strong upright stems that will hold upright between mounding grasses and lower perennials.

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Rudbeckia lacianata

One of our favourite late season rudbeckias, a tall late summer flowering variety with lemon yellow green centred flowers on strong rigid stems, ideally suited to heavier soil types.

Price $9.50
In stock

Sanguisorba menzeizii 'Sloeberry'

Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high,  but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.

Price $12.50
In stock

Sanguisorba parviflora

Terrific tall variety, white flowering. Basal foliage produces  dozens of 2m flower spikes, superb summer flowering background, plant in heavier fertile soil, shorter in less ideal conditions.

Price $9.50
In stock

Sedum 'Annies White'

A recent introduction by us is this sedum from my mothers garden, with white flowers, which is an unusual colour in the world of  sedums! As with other sedums, easy to grow in full sun position in most soil types. Rarely but occasionally these can produce a pale pink sport, which should be removed with a sharp knife at the crown at the time of flowering. 

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Silene uniflora

A terrific ground covering plant flowering for a long season with hundreds attractive white flowers, easy to grow over a bank, foreground edging , effective filler as massed as bedding for any situation, or combined in groups with mixed perennials in a meadow setting. All round great plant and current favourite of ours.

Price $9.50
In stock

Verbena peruviana alba

White flowered low spreading ground cover for full sun preferring loose drained soil types. Useful for foreground and border plantings.

Price $8.50
In stock