Astrantia major 'Ruby Cloud'
Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.
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Pink form of Astrantia major: a good companion for hostas and dicentras in woodland.
Bergenia are very tough evergreen perennials useful for ground cover in shade with hellebores, pachysandra, and epimedium. This is a compact variety with soft pink flowers and good foliage colour during winter.
Leafy plant from saxifragaceae family, useful for ground cover in dry shade where acanthus and euphorbia can take over. Good drainage and neutral to alkaline soils preferred.
Traditional hedging plant which looks good all year round and forms compact tight growth. Ideal for edging pathways, borders and formal plantings.
Firey orange red calceolaria, long lived perennial variety with shrubby growth like salvia or santolina. Trim after flowering to maintain shape and vigour.
Seldom offered perennial variety with lovely soft lilac bells, clumping and non-invasive. Grow between lupins, roses and salvias in the cottage garden or perennial border.
This dwarf variety makes a great subject for a hanging basket or ground cover over a drystone wall. Lovely porcelain blue flowers in summer.
Rarely offered miniature for the rock garden with mounding habit. Porcelain blue bells on wiry upright stems, astounding flowers for such a dwarf plant. Will also grow well in the cottage garden or a pot if given occasional lime.
A low, spreading variety for the border, rockgarden or drystone wall. Lots of thimble sized nodding white bells in mid-summer.
Cultivated form of glomerata with especially rigid upright flower stems and clusters of divine purple flowers. Useful for cutting and clumps well between roses and in the herbaceous border.
A nice variation of Campanula latiloba with lilac flowers and upright flower spikes, showy but can be very spreading.
Dome-forming clumper for the rockgarden or border, flowering profusely during summer with mounds of purple bells. Non-invasive and generally tidy when not in flower. Dislikes acid soil.
Pig Face. Excellent ground-covering succulent for banks and mass planting. Withstands dry conditions.
'Lily of the valley'. Clump forming and easy perennial for shade or part sun, sweetly fragrant bells in spring.
Grey foliage mat forming ground cover, with tiny yellow button flowers in summer. Best in open sunny situation.
A terrific Dahlia with massive blooms and a subtle faded soft pink colour like old roses. Only a few in stock.
An attractive variety with tangerine to red single flowers, we love these for summer colour with rudbeckia, sedums and echinacea.
Semi double white flowers with dark cherry centre, cushion forming. Useful frost and drought hardy plant for rock garden or perennial border.
A seedling given to us by Gordon Julian who grew it so beautifully. It has deliciously fragrant pink fringed flowers, and a spreading low groundcovering habit, making it ideal for placing between rocks, or at the front of a border.
Sweetly fragrant variety with pink feathered flowers and silver cushion forming foliage.