Kniphofia 'Peaches and Cream'
A pleasing break from the usual hot colours, a subtle kniphofia with two-toned pokers in peach and ivory.
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There are 327 products.
A pleasing break from the usual hot colours, a subtle kniphofia with two-toned pokers in peach and ivory.
Tight mat forming ground cover, with attractive foliage. Suitable for green wall or rock garden.
Attractive alpine from California favouring rock crevices dry sunny conditions. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall. Colour range from pink, white to apricot.
A spectacular shrubby species from Chile with greyish felted leaves and contrasting brick red flowers. An unusual and attractive border plant if you have room.
Pale creamy yellow, some with peachy tinges. Separate from reds and purples to keep offspring pure. Note lupins are best cut to the ground after flowering, and allowed to dry off slightly during hot weather. Avoid heavy summer irrigation.
A bushy form of Russells lupin with deep pink flowers, ideal between roses and in the perennial border. Pinch out first flower to develop multistemmed form.
A beautiful medium height triandrus cultivar with white flowers in spring, one of our favourite narcissus.
Ornamental origanum with purple flowers, most valued for floral work, and its long flowering period in the summer border. Mild flavour, can also be used in various lamb and poultry dishes.
Special unusual mounding variety from mountains of Turkey and Armenia, for the rock garden or border. Likes it rocky but fertile and ensure drained not acid soil and plenty of grit, very cold tolerant and tough once established. Flowers start green then age pink with onset of cold nights.
Otherwise known as Greek oregano; a long flowering border perennial and a good crossover plant between ornamental and culinary usage. White flowers in summer.
Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a dryish well-drained site or a large pot.
Stunning double flowered paeonia requiring rich well drained soil in full sun, young plants often takes a year or two to establish but eventually form large clumps; we recommend removing first flowers to hasten establishment.
Itoh type paeonia resulting from crossing herbaceous and shrubby species, beautiful foliage and huge ruffled soft lemon flowers like a old fashioned rose. Need good drainage and fertile soil, long lived plant.
From Georgia and the western Caucases a lovely tall herbaceous paeony with cream flowers on tall stems. A wonderful plant for cut flowers & the large leaves are most attractive. Requires good soils and a touch of lime.
A wild Paeonia from the Caucasus from Ukraine to Romania with deep tomato red flowers and finely dissected foliage. This is a dwarf species which prefers fertile but drained conditions, and needs to dry off in summer after the growing period. A rare treasure.
Upright grass colouring well in autumn. Favoured by contemporary designers for winter colour and structure.
The orange oriental perennial poppy, originally from Turkey. The blooms are impressive, and in good conditions the plant will make a large perennial clump in only a few years. Remove the first flower and avoid acid soils.
Papaver Choir Boy produces beautiful white poppies with black central blotches, grow in fertile moisture retentive clay based soil and allow to dry out over late summer. Not for pots.
Very pale turkish delight pink with no spots, never many spare of these but occasionally a few divisions available in winter through to spring.
The best red cultivar with a hint of black spotting in the centre of the flower. Tall erect flower stems. Avoid growing oriental poppies in pots, plant in ground directly.