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Phlox maculata 'Omega'
Tall white phlox with delicious perfume, flowering in summer. Best in fertile conditions protected from afternoon sun.
Rosmarinus 'Blue Lagoon'
Strong landscaping variety with bushy growth ideal for mass planting or hedges. Blue flowers in summer and drought tolerant once established.
Rosmarinus officianalis 'Herb Cottage'
This is the best variety for drying and essential oil production, as it has a higher than usual oil concentrate in the leaves. Used in the production of cosmetics and fragrances.
Rosmarinus officianalis 'Tuscan Blue'
A dense growing multi stemmed variety prized for topiary and hedging, featured at Sissinghurst Castle. Bright blue flowers.
Rudbeckia maxima
Fantastic perennial unlike anything else. Large yellow sombrero-shaped daisies on 1.8 metre stems with large blue grey leaves. Focal point for the back of a mixed border or a feature in a prairie garden.
Salvia 'Anthony Parker'
Blue and indigo flowers on a bushy plant similar is size and shape to 'Megan's Magic'. Cold hardy and handsome, requires pruning every second year. Suitable for cottage garden and perennial plantings.
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
Teucrium fruticans
Drought hardy silver foliage plant for topiary and background, use in place of Italian lavenders which are disappointing and die out after a few years. Attractive blue flowers, drought tolerant.
Agastache 'Blue Fortune'
Terrific long flowering agastache, distinct from Blue Boa with narrower conical flowers and more blue in colour. Prefers open drainage and good soil, as per other agastache.
Agastache mexicana 'Sangria'
Rose pink flowers in mid summer, great foliage aroma, makes amazing tea which is sweet like licorice. Add spear mint or thyme for cold drinks, add to salad, etc.
Agave americana
Larger agave, but still slow growing like most in a temperate climate. Attractive blue tinged erect saw toothed leaves.
Anigazanthos 'Big Red'
Strong upright variety great for amongst grasses and floral work. Best on drained soils. Cut to the ground in winter every 2-3 years when growth congested.
Campanula latiloba 'Hidcote Amethyst'
A nice variation of Campanula latiloba with lilac flowers and upright flower spikes, showy but can be very spreading.
Dahlia Cafe au Lait
A terrific Dahlia with massive blooms and a subtle faded soft pink colour like old roses. Only a few in stock.
Dahlia coccinea
An attractive variety with tangerine to red single flowers, we love these for summer colour with rudbeckia, sedums and echinacea.
Dierama 'Cosmos'
A brilliant new cultivar with deep purple flowers. Easily cultivated in fertile moist soil, tall graceful stems.
Euphorbia characias ssp. wulfenii
Tall semi evergreen perennial for dry gardens. Usually late winter flowering with tall stems of clustered lime green flowers. Good for winter structure amongst herbaceous plants.
Euphorbia wulfennii x martinnii
Resembles Euphorbia martinii in flowering, having a reddish brown spot within the green bract. Closer in habit to Euphorbia wulfennii, this a more dependable garden plant, proving itself as long lived in a variety of dry situations.
Hydrangea 'Ayesha'
Sky blue hydrangea, lighter in bud. In neutral or alkaline soil it tends to be light pink. Note all blue hydrangea need acid soil to produce correct colouring; in alkaline soil they will tend toward pink.