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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 91 products.

Showing 21-40 of 91 item(s)
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  • Height range: medium (21 - 80cm)
  • Flowering time: spring

Cotyledon macrantha

Large fleshy leafed variety with orange bells during winter. Easy in coastal gardens, good in pots and perennial plantings; a useful texture plant to combine with other succulents. Keep dry in winter.

Price $9.50
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Crocosmia 'Lucifer'

A great bulb from South Africa producing hot red blooms in summer. Great with heleniums, salvias, etc.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Deschampsia caespitosa

Evergreen mounding grass with delightful seedheads in autumn, will not self seed like many native grasses do. Lovely with sedums and miscanthus.

Price $8.50
In stock

Diascia rigescens

One of the first plants I grew from cutting; quick growing and floriferous in a short space of time. In summer it requires complete cutting to the ground like an oriental poppy, and will resprout in autumn when there is sufficient moisture. Easy and quick to fill in spaces; pink flowers.

Price $8.50
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Dicentra 'Bacchanal'

A selection of Dicentra formosa with deep ruby flowers. Ideal in shade under trees with not too much winter wet.

Price $8.50
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Dicentra 'Silver Smith'

Attractive foliage like a Corydalis with a distinct grey-blue tinge and cream flowers in spring. Useful under trees with hellebores and hostas.

Price $9.50
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Dicentra formosa 'Alba'

Pure white flowers over fresh green fern-like foliage in spring. Useful beneath trees in semi-shade.

Price $8.50
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Dicentra spectabilis

The true "bleeding heart", for well drained soil in a protected shady garden, native to China. Protect emerging shoots in early spring from pets and snails, cut back after flowering for a second flush of growth.

Price $13.50
In stock

Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'

Rare white form of the pink "bleeding heart", best grown in shade in a spot protected from wind. Winter dormant and very cold tolerant.

Price $13.50
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Diplarrena moraea

Tasmanian native flag iris, useful  in combination with grasses and perennials. Lovely and abundant white flowers in spring, evergreen leaves and drought hardy.

Price $8.50
In stock

Epimedium grandiflorum 'Rubrum'

One of the best Epimedium with pink flowers and decorative red tinged foliage. The new growth is particularly attractive, and the flowers are a pleasant variation from the usual yellows.

Price $14.50
Last items in stock

Epimedium sulphureum

A vigourous long lived variety for ground cover in shady areas. The new foliage often has attractive tinges of red veining, and the flowers are a creamy yellow. As with other varieties, best on well drained soil. Cold and drought hardy, wildlife resistant.

Price $14.50
In stock

Festuca glauca

Grey blue low growing grass with weeping foliage, used for landscaping applications in mass plantings, edgings, or combined with euphobias, westringia and sedums.

Price $8.50
In stock

Geranium 'Criss Canning'

One of the best Geranium pratense crosses , flowering all through summer with lovely dark blue flowers reminiscent of Geranium himalayense. Compact shape and long-flowering.

Price $9.50
In stock

Geranium 'Kashmir White'

A very good white form of Geranium clarkei with large flowers. Carpeting habit, prefers open soil.

Price $9.50
In stock

Geranium 'Mavis Simpson'

A low-spreading variety with attractive grey-green leaves and pink flowers. Great under roses with Heuchera americana and Alchemilla mollis.

Price $8.50
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Geranium 'Samobor'

Geranium phaeum cultivar with attractive dark markings on the leaves, we found this at Elizabeth Strangmans nursery in Kent. Deep wine purple flowers.

Price $8.50
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Geranium 'Wargrave Pink'

One of the first perennials my mother gave me, a delightful old fashioned ground cover for under roses, where it will remain well behaved forever, or until overgrown by an invasive neighbour. Easily revived and transplanted however, and not to be confused with 'Claridge Druce' or other inferior Geranium oxonianum hybrids.

Price $8.50
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Geranium sanguineum 'Album'

A more elegant plant than the type forming a compact mound of foliage covered in large pure white flowers during summer. Performs well in a rockgarden or mixed border situation in full to part sun.

Price $8.50
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