Heuchera 'Opal'
A Heuchera maxima cultivar with lasting grey green foliage and evergreen habit. Cream flowers and long flowering time, useful to provide winter structure in borders and cottage gardens, also good for florist work.
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There are 38 products.
A Heuchera maxima cultivar with lasting grey green foliage and evergreen habit. Cream flowers and long flowering time, useful to provide winter structure in borders and cottage gardens, also good for florist work.
A dwarf variety with a groundcovering habit and sprays of coral flowers in spring. Long flowering.
Low growing hosta for foreground and mass planting with rounded blue green leaves, with soft lilac mauve flowers.
A strong variety of bluebells that will colonize well in areas of shade or part sun, active mid winter and flowering spring to early summer, potted cluster of bulbs.
A useful landscaping plant for dry areas in shade or part-sun. Interesting orange berries after flowering and evergreen leaves.
Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.
Attractive glossy foliage plant for shade, use as mass plantings for ground cover or grouped as specimens. Likes free draining soil in a cool position, very tough however once established, evergreen. Flowers unexciting, we usually chop off to feature the beautifully attractive leaves which can get to 20cm across.
Spreading perennial for moist areas with attractive musk-pink drumstick flowers in summer. Best result in cooler climates with morning sun on fertile soil.
Temperate plant for dry shade with attractive silvery felted leaves, and ground covering habit. Best in well drained soil near trees, also a fine container plant.
Beautiful silver variegated form of the "Solomons Seal", each leaf lined with a white line around its outer edge. Easy to grow in shade under trees and shrubs.
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
Bergenia are very tough evergreen perennials useful for ground cover in shade with hellebores, pachysandra, and epimedium. This is a compact variety with soft pink flowers and good foliage colour during winter.
White form of this excellent ground cover for shade, flowers age to very pale pink. Easily grown under trees where it favours dryish soil once established.
Hand pollinated seedlings from our best dark flowered plants from imported stock.
Lower growing hosta with lots of lilac flowers and good rosettes of blue grey foliage. Useful variety for foreground plantings in part sun to shade.
Native of Georgia and Turkey growing in shady places by streams in deciduous forest. A beautiful evergreen plant producing delicate porcelain blue flowers in the early spring. Works well as a mass planting beneath trees with hellebores and Geranium phaeum.
Black mondo grass. Popular for its glossy black foliage and evergreen carpeting effect. Easily grown but slower in cold climates.
One of the few primrose-coloured salvias, medium height and prefers part shade. Combines well with perennials in the summer border or between roses.