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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 105 products.

Showing 21-40 of 105 item(s)
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  • Light requirement: full sun to partial shade
  • Drought resistance: very good

Dichondra 'Silver Falls'

Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.

Price $8.50
In stock

Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow'

Reputedly more blue than others, we find these echinops, contrary to their appearance, are best situated in a cooler position with only part day sun. To yield their best, plant in fertile drained soil and a sheltered position.

Price $9.50
In stock

Echium pininana

Spectacular plant native to the Canary Islands with outrageously huge purple flower panicles to 250 cm from a large rosette of foliage. Impress your neighbours and plant a hedge of these! They will occasionally re-seed.

Price $8.50
In stock

Epimedium pinnatum 'Thunderbolt'

A wonderful winter foliage plant, most useful as ground cover around trees and deciduous shrubs. Foliage turns a red then dark chocolate providing it gets winter sun. Flowers yellow, introduced by Planthunters.

Price $12.50
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Erigeron karvinskianus

Prolific low mounding erigeron with long flowering habit, useful for many planting applications. Looks great as a path edging or border mass planting or fill under roses,  and needs minimal care or water.

Price $8.50
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Erysimum 'Bicolor'

Perennial wallflower that begins purple and transforms to apricot peachy tones as the flowers age, giving a lovely effect. Winter flowering, bird and butterfly attracting, fragrant.

Price $8.50
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Festuca glauca

Grey blue low growing grass with weeping foliage, used for landscaping applications in mass plantings, edgings, or combined with euphobias, westringia and sedums.

Price $8.50
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Filipendula ulmaria

Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.

Price $8.50
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Geranium 'Wargrave Pink'

One of the first perennials my mother gave me, a delightful old fashioned ground cover for under roses, where it will remain well behaved forever, or until overgrown by an invasive neighbour. Easily revived and transplanted however, and not to be confused with 'Claridge Druce' or other inferior Geranium oxonianum hybrids.

Price $8.50
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Geum rivale 'Coppertone'

This is a rivale cultivar perfect for foreground plantings in the cottage garden or perennial border. Apricot and peach tones, a great little plant we found in Wales in the mid 90's.

Price $9.50
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Helenium 'Pumilum Magnificum'

Shorter growing variety often more suited to smaller spaces and cottage gardens than taller Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty'. Only knee high and combines well with sunny border foreground plantings of dianthus, geraniums and Salvia nemorosa.

Price $9.50
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Helianthemum 'The Bride'

Cascading ground covering variety for stone walls and rockeries with pure white flowers. Useful in mass planting with prostrate rosemary and thymes. Spring to summer flowering.

Price $8.50
In stock

Iris unguicularis 'Winter White'

White form of the Algerian iris, equally as hardy as the blue forms. Best in free draining soil, colonizes well over time forming grassy mounds flowering in winter. Ideal mass planting under shrubs or specimen plant.

Price $9.50
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Ixia 'Turquoise'

Old fashioned colour rarely seen in contemporary gardens, easy plant, reproduces from bulbs. Best in dry well drained soil, sunny conditions. Note this is a winter dormant bulb.

Price $8.50
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Lavandula 'Munstead'

Lavandula officianalis (syn. angustifolia) . Like 'Hidecote' but a more intense darker purple colour with slightly shorter  flower spikes.

Price $8.50
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Lupin 'Cabernet'

Delicious plum purple colour, mass plant in autumn with iris, delphiniums and Canterbury Bells for spring flowering.

Price $8.50
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Lupinus 'Russells Red'

Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.

Price $8.50
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Muscari 'Babys Breath'

Lovely grape hyacinth for gardens or pots, vigourously clumping and easy, early spring flowering bulbs. Clump of flowered bulbs in each pot ready to plant. 

Price $8.50
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Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant'

An alternative to 'Walkers Low', when a slightly taller variety is required. Lilac mauve flowers through summer, nepeta will repeat flower if trimmed occasionally.

Price $8.50
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Pachystegia insignis

Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a cool well-drained site or a large pot in a sheltered spot.

Price $16.00
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