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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 76 products.

Showing 41-60 of 76 item(s)
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  • Drought resistance: very good
  • Flowering time: winter

Rosmarinus officianalis 'Herb Cottage'

This is the best variety for drying and essential oil production, as it has a higher than usual oil concentrate in the leaves. Used in the production of cosmetics and fragrances.

Price $8.50
In stock

Salvia 'Anthony Parker'

Blue and indigo flowers on a bushy plant similar is size and shape to 'Megan's Magic'. Cold hardy and handsome, requires pruning every second year. Suitable for cottage garden and perennial plantings.

Price $9.50
In stock

Salvia leucantha 'White Velour'

White form of Salvia leucantha. Best on open textured free draining soil, plant between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'.

Price $8.50
In stock

Salvia nemorosa 'Snow Hills'

Perfectly white flowers, with all the good aspects of the other Salvia nemorosa varieties. Very frost tolerant, ideal bedding plant, will repeat flower in fertile soil.

Price $9.50
In stock

Salvia pratensis

Close relative to Salvia nemorosa with wider leaves and violet purple flowers. Clumping plant, best cut down to refresh over winter, long flowering and suits mass planting.

Price $8.50
In stock

Sanguisorba obtusa

Native to Japan, a lower growing variety with attractive lobed leaves and pink bottlebrush flowers. In Australia part shade is best, on fertile clay or moisture retentive soil.

Price $8.50
In stock

Sanguisorba officianalis 'Pink Tanna'

Slender wiry stems topped with lolly pink pompoms about the size of a mulberry, flowering for months in summer. Like other sanguisorba they are drought tolerant, but like some clay below the surface.

Price $9.50
In stock

Sedum 'Dark Magic'

Brilliant new variety with dark foliage ; strength and upright growth habit of 'Matrona' but the darker foliage of 'Purple Emperor' and red flowers.

Price $9.50
In stock

Stachys 'Silky Fleece'

The lowest growing of all the lambs ears, and a brilliant long lasting drought tolerant groundcover forming mats of velvety foliage maximum only 10cm tall. We use this extensively for edging borders and paths,and find it combines well with armeria, thymes, origanum rotundifolium, and dwarf bulbs.

Price $9.50
In stock

Stachys thirkei

A compact species for border and rock garden which works well for ground cover and edging, does not collapse like taller varieties. Very drought tolerant and tidy compact growth.

Price $8.50
In stock

Anigazanthos 'Big Red'

Strong upright variety great for amongst grasses and floral work. Best on drained soils. Cut to the ground in winter every 2-3 years when growth congested.

Price $8.50

Erysimum 'Purple King'

Prolific winter flowering perennial, fragrant purple flowers and bushy robust growth. Wall flowers are useful border plants, much valued for their evergreen nature and winter flowering habit.

Price $8.50

Erysimum 'Tangerine'

Long flowering flame orange wallflower, bird and butterfly attracting, especially during the winter months. Trim annually like with penstemons and lavender.

Price $8.50