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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 73 products.

Showing 41-60 of 73 item(s)
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  • Height range: short (0 - 20cm)
  • Drought resistance: very good

Thymus vulgaris

Culinary thyme; we use this around the garden as a summer flowering ground cover together with Thymus "Minimus". Great around rocks, in the herb garden or in the border.

Price $8.50
In stock

Verbena peruviana alba

White flowered low spreading ground cover for full sun preferring loose drained soil types. Useful for foreground and border plantings.

Price $8.50
In stock

Anemone nemorosa

The 'wood anemone' is useful as a ground cover in shade. Treat as a bulb, dry off after flowering, summer deciduous, good amongst Hosta and Helleborus. This is the traditional form with single white flowers.

Price $8.50

Anemone nemorosa 'Blue Queen'

A cultivar of nemorosa with clear blue flowers in spring. Makes a delightful pot plant, or woodland planting. Do not over-water after flowering, caution to those with irrigation systems, keep soil barely damp and not wet.

Price $8.50

Armeria 'Eleanor'

Deep pink armeria, combining well with other miniatures in full sun. Helianthemums, Campanula pulla, Saxifaga caespitosa, and Thymus minimus all combine well.

Price $8.50

Armeria 'Ruby'

Brightly coloured old fashioned cushion plant for border and rock garden, often known as 'thrift'. Often associated with coastal gardens, armeria thrive in a wide range of habitat and are both drought and frost tolerant.

Price $8.50

Campanula 'Pixie'

This dwarf variety makes a great subject for a hanging basket or ground cover over a drystone wall. Lovely porcelain blue flowers in summer.

Price $8.50

Campanula 'Planifolia'

Rarely offered miniature for the rock garden with mounding habit. Porcelain blue bells on wiry upright stems, astounding flowers for such a dwarf plant. Will also grow well in the cottage garden or a pot if given occasional lime.

Price $9.50

Campanula muralis

Dome-forming clumper for the rockgarden or border, flowering profusely during summer with mounds of purple bells. Non-invasive and generally tidy when not in flower. Dislikes acid soil.

Price $8.50

Dianthus 'Cherry Splash'

Semi double white flowers with dark cherry centre, cushion forming. Useful frost and drought hardy plant for rock garden or perennial border.

Price $8.50

Dianthus 'Maple Glen'

A seedling given to us by Gordon Julian who grew it so beautifully. It has deliciously fragrant pink fringed flowers, and a spreading low groundcovering habit, making it ideal for placing between rocks, or at the front of a border.

Price $8.50