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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

There are 56 products.

Showing 41-56 of 56 item(s)
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  • Light requirement: full sun
  • Height range: short (0 - 20cm)

Campanula muralis

Dome-forming clumper for the rockgarden or border, flowering profusely during summer with mounds of purple bells. Non-invasive and generally tidy when not in flower. Dislikes acid soil.

Price $8.50

Dianthus 'Cherry Splash'

Semi double white flowers with dark cherry centre, cushion forming. Useful frost and drought hardy plant for rock garden or perennial border.

Price $8.50

Dianthus 'Maple Glen'

A seedling given to us by Gordon Julian who grew it so beautifully. It has deliciously fragrant pink fringed flowers, and a spreading low groundcovering habit, making it ideal for placing between rocks, or at the front of a border.

Price $8.50

Disphyma crassifolium 'Whitewash'

A strong white succulent ground cover from Silver Banksia nursery, very tough and the rich green foliage provides a good contrast for the white flowers. Good over a rocky bank, wall, or general ground cover in drier sunny areas.

Price $8.50

Fragaria 'Pink Panda'

Cross between a strawberry and potentilla, this plant provides edible fruit and attractive pink flowers. use as ground-cover, cottage garden in-fill, mass planting or in tubs.

Price $9.50

Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokovo'

A cross between Geranium dalmaticum and G. macrorrhizum with good ground-covering habit and compact growth. A useful landscaping plant which looks tidy for most of the year. The flowers are white to pale pink and held well above the evergreen green foliage. Also good in pots.

Price $8.50

Helianthemum 'Strawberry Red'

I love helianthemums for their abundant flowering, and superb ground covering abilities in poor growing conditions. We found this as a chance seedling and thought it was worth naming and propagating.

Price $8.50

Lewisia cotyledon

Attractive alpine from California favouring rock crevices dry sunny conditions. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall. Colour range from pink, white to apricot.

Price $9.50

Origanum rotundifolium

Special unusual mounding variety from mountains of Turkey and Armenia, for the rock garden or border. Likes it rocky but fertile and ensure drained not acid soil and plenty of grit, very cold tolerant and tough once established. Flowers start green then age pink with onset of cold nights.

Price $9.50

Rhodohypoxis baurii

Floriferous South African dwarf bulb for the rockgarden and containers. Easy and prolific, very colourful in spring, combine with thymes, cyclamen, and miniature daffodils.

Price $8.50