Dianthus 'Clove Pink'
Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.
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There are 194 products.
Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.
An old fashioned cottage garden variety, long in circulation but now at the risk of disappearing along with so many other varieties. Cushion forming clumper, for border or rock garden, attractive two toned semi double flowers in crimson and pink.
Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.
Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.
Clumping Central European species with white fringed flowers. For drystone, trough or rockgarden.
Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.
A pretty species which grows well in the garden. Reddish pink flared bells on 140 cm stems, native to the eastern Drakensberg region, where it is said to cover complete hillsides.
The beautiful white form of Dierama pulcherimmum. The white bells hang from slender arching stems that move gracefully in the breeze; a lovely subject for a pond or border.
Milky white rosette forming variety with pink flowers, attractive in clusters amongst Senecio serpens, sempervivums, and low growing sedums. A good variety for green roofs or amongst masonry.
Rosette-forming succulent with apricot flowers and grey-blue leaves. Easy to grow and multiplies quickly.
Tall spiky plant with silver spherical heads. Great for flower arrangements and texture in the summer border. Best with morning sun only and enough water during summer.
A wonderfully spiky tall summer flowering perennial, with blue spherical blooms, resembling a mace in form. Best grown on loose soil in full sun, and a wonderful cut flower.
Spectacular plant native to the Canary Islands with outrageously huge purple flower panicles to 250 cm from a large rosette of foliage. Impress your neighbours and plant a hedge of these! They will occasionally re-seed.
A versatile rush from South Africa that will grow in a surprising range of conditions. The tall foliage is particularly good all year round, and the new growth resembles bamboo. Good for structure amongst herbaceous plants.
Lush leafy perennial for fertile clay soils, larger and more bushy in habit than Filipendula rubra with white flowers. Plant with gunnera, Lysimachia cletheroides and Iris siberica around ponds and water features.
Clumping plant for clay, pond margins or moist soils. Attractive tall pink fluffy flowers, over palmate foliage. Cut back after flowering to the ground and it will resprout when the conditions are right.
Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile...
Similar in appearance, but a better all round garden plant than Geranium 'Pink Spice'; most useful as ground cover between roses and amongst taller perennials. Pewter purple grey leaves and pink flowers; vigorous like 'Mavis Simpson'. One of the best varieties.
A lovely species from Greece, useful as a ground-cover for part-sun with attractive velvety leaves. All the attributes of above with white flowers and contrasting red stamens. The foliage colours well in cold winter areas.
This is a rivale cultivar perfect for foreground plantings in the cottage garden or perennial border. Apricot and peach tones, a great little plant we found in Wales in the mid 90's.