Erysimum 'Purple King'
Prolific winter flowering perennial, fragrant purple flowers and bushy robust growth. Wall flowers are useful border plants, much valued for their evergreen nature and winter flowering habit.
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There are 98 products.
Prolific winter flowering perennial, fragrant purple flowers and bushy robust growth. Wall flowers are useful border plants, much valued for their evergreen nature and winter flowering habit.
Long flowering flame orange wallflower, bird and butterfly attracting, especially during the winter months. Trim annually like with penstemons and lavender.
Remarkable new euphorbia bred by us, with compact mounds of greyish green pewter foliage, lime green flowers spotted red. Wonderful foliage plant for landscaping with miscanthus, sedums, and westringia.
Tall semi evergreen perennial for dry gardens. Usually late winter flowering with tall stems of clustered lime green flowers. Good for winter structure amongst herbaceous plants.
Resembles Euphorbia martinii in flowering, having a reddish brown spot within the green bract. Closer in habit to Euphorbia wulfennii, this a more dependable garden plant, proving itself as long lived in a variety of dry situations.
White form of this excellent ground cover for shade, flowers age to very pale pink. Easily grown under trees where it favours dryish soil once established.
Old variety from Ken Gillanders collection; lovely ground covering habit and long flowering. I love finding new Helianthemum varieties, and value them greatly in our coastal dry herbaceous border, where they flower over a long period.
Delicate soft pink shade of Helianthemum, equally as tough as other varieties. In the seventies these were fashionable, with dozens of named cultivars being available; sadly these wonderful plants have disappeared from mail order catalogues.
Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a dryish well-drained site or a large pot.
One of the most attractive grey foliage varieties we have grown, thanks to Lambley Nursery for distributing this wonderful plant. Soft primrose flowers, much more versatile and easier to place than the stronger colour of Phlomis fruticosa.
One of the better varieties we have grown, with upright stems and soft pink flowers. A lasting vigourous plant with attractive evergreen grey felted foliage. Imported by Plant Hunters, few only.
Beautiful grey foliage variety with musk pink flowers in early summer. Trim as lavenders and salvia.
Portugese form of the pink rosemary, more true pink than Majorca pink and less upright, bushier and lower growing.
Attractive and eye-catching bi-coloured cultivar with white and red flowers; probably a S. greggii hybrid. Compact and tidy for most of the year.
Edible santolina, said to add the flavouring of olives to marinades and baked dishes. Combine with thyme, rosemary, basil and tarragon flavours. Attractive and abundant yellow pompoms.
One of the tightest rosette forming varieties with blue-grey leaves and deep crimson tips. Plant in pots or between rocks.
Prolific mid season flowering verbena which combines well in meadow plantings amongst other perennials, the dark stems and foliage look particularly good in full sun with summer colours.
Perennial verbena, more leafy and bushy than Verbena bonariensis, a good summer border plant with rich colour. Cut back foliage to avoid harbouring mildew in autumn.