Lewisia cotyledon
Attractive alpine from California favouring rock crevices dry sunny conditions. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall. Colour range from pink, white to apricot.
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There are 114 products.
Attractive alpine from California favouring rock crevices dry sunny conditions. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall. Colour range from pink, white to apricot.
White form of 'Catmint', effective path edging plant or combined with lavender and santolina in the cottage garden. Low growing, ground covering. Trim off dead flowers to extend flowering period.
Special unusual mounding variety from mountains of Turkey and Armenia, for the rock garden or border. Likes it rocky but fertile and ensure drained not acid soil and plenty of grit, very cold tolerant and tough once established. Flowers start green then age pink with onset of cold nights.
Old fashioned double primrose for part sun or shade in good soil. We never have many of these regretfully
Old fashioned shade-loving primrose with burgundy gold edged flowers. Choice and lovely.
Our own variety which we have multiplied from division, flame orange fading into chesnut brown.
A mixture from our own collection. Includes doubles and a range of colours. Great plants for the rock-garden or in a large pot. Likes drainage.
A pretty variety we raised a few years ago from experimental crosses, with some creative contributions from our staff for the name. Good clumping habit and a subtle colour.
Floriferous South African dwarf bulb for the rockgarden and containers. Easy and prolific, very colourful in spring, combine with thymes, cyclamen, and miniature daffodils.
Bloodroot. An ancient perennial and medicinal plant used by the native American people, it is very toxic and should not be used without professional consultaton. We grow it as an ornamental groundcover in woodland with hostas, epimedium and dicentra, it is deciduous with white flowers.
Low growing variety with pink tinged foliage, bee attracting summer flowering.
One of the tightest rosette forming varieties with blue-grey leaves and deep crimson tips. Plant in pots or between rocks.
Useful and prolific evergreen ground cover, flowering in winter and spring. Clear blue flowers, useful as mass plantings.
Soft primrose yellow flowers, a seldom seen variety with subtle colour. Plant with snowdrops and spring bulbs.