Dierama floriferum
Native grassland species from Natal, dwarf and florific with violet purple flowers earlier than most other varieties.
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Our A-Z list of perennial flowering plants : find what suits your individual garden style and climate. Whether your garden is hot and dry, frosty, cold, too shady, or whatever your soil type, you will find plants here to suit your environment. Amongst our offerings you will find both easily grown plants which can be planted in masses for landscaping effect, and rare exotic treasures which require careful cultivation. Use our search function to find specific plant names, or choose the filter function in our menu to search for plants by size, drought tolerance, light requirement.
There are 48 products.
Native grassland species from Natal, dwarf and florific with violet purple flowers earlier than most other varieties.
Slender lower growing variety with pink tubular bells. Easily grown amongst other perennials, attractive on pond margins.
Close relative of Echinacea angustifolia, also used in herbal medicine, sharing many similarities. I find it a better garden plant, more vigorous and productive in growth, and manages better in winter wet.
Selected form of Eucomis comosa, with pink tinged flowers and purple buds. A beautiful and striking perennial, both for foliage and flowers, best grown in a mixed herbaceous border or in a pot with good drainage. Requires good drainage and fertility.
White flowered form of E.comosa, strappy foliage and summer flowering, showy plant, winter deciduous, large bulbs.
A lower compact form that is brilliant for massed foreground plantings at 40cm high. These cheerful flowers combine well with other summer flowering perennials like echinacea, sedums, salvias, and perennial grasses. Ideal in coastal and Mediterranean climates.
Summer flowering perennial with brightly coloured red and yellow flowers. Extremely tough, long lasting and dry tolerant once established, likes regular clay loam or regular garden soils, doesnt like sandy soil. Combines well in meadow garden plantings amongst grasses and perennials.
One of the best deciduous geraniums with rich purple violet flowers and large palmate foliage,very long lived and forms a good sized 60cm across clump. Loves fertility and prefers heavier soil type, not in pots. Flowers in summer, after the early season geraniums.
We grow this evergreen variety as a ground cover in full to part sun, visitors frequently comment on its attractive appearance. The pink flowers over the pewter purple foliage are a pleasing contrast, and the plant has an effective ground covering habit. Requires reasonable drainage.
One of the best geraniums in cultivation, this is a descendant of Geranium wallichianum. It has an exceptionally long flowering period, the blooms are are sky blue with white centres, abundant and lovely. The plant has a mounding ground covering habit, and is frost and drought hardy.
Evergreen variety for shade with pink flowers and glossy mounding low foliage. Useful for mass plantings and foliage effect with pachyphragma and epimedium.
A striking biennial for shade, forming strong mounds of good foliage and normally flowers in second or third year once the plant has acheived maturity, after which it will self seed. This is the rarely offered white form, the common form is pink.
Classic old-fashioned cottage perennial with red flowers. I like to combine these with Rudbeckia "Goldsturm" for contrast.
A dark flowered seedling I selected at Richard Bramleys "Farmyard Nursery" in Wales. An improvement on "Moerheim Beauty", with deep orange red flowers in mid to late summer.
Low growing hosta for foreground and mass planting with rounded blue green leaves, with soft lilac mauve flowers.
Traditional white mop top Hydrangea, flowers do not discolour with pH variation, plants form a good low hedge or border in shady conditions.
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.
A very beautiful plant with unusual white arching flower spikes. The foliage colours well in colder areas; both flowers and foliage are a delight for the flower arranger. Allow some room as plants will clump out substantially in a few years. Sun or dappled shade on moist soil.
Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.