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Our A-Z list of perennial flowering plants : find what suits your individual garden style and climate. Whether your garden is hot and dry, frosty, cold, too shady, or whatever your soil type, you will find plants here to suit your environment. Amongst our offerings you will find both easily grown plants which can be planted in masses for landscaping effect, and rare exotic treasures which require careful cultivation. Use our search function to find specific plant names, or choose the filter function in our menu to search for plants by size, drought tolerance, light requirement.

There are 41 products.

Showing 1-20 of 41 item(s)
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  • Frost tolerance: moderate
  • Flowering time: spring
  • Flowering time: year round

Ajuga 'Catlin's Giant'

Effective ground covering plant with blue flowers and glossy foliage. Combine with alchemillas, epimediums, hellebores and pachysandra.

Price $8.50
In stock

Ajuga 'Snow White'

Variation of the usual blue forms, this one likes similar damp conditions in shade, forming a low spreading groundcover

Price $9.50
In stock

Alchemilla rothii

Spreading species from Ethiopia, useful for ground-cover in larger gardens. Suckers like a wild strawberry when happy, prefers part shade or clay based moisture-retentive soils.

Price $8.50
In stock

Arthropodium cirratum

The lush green leaves resemble the foliage of a Hosta and look great in mass plantings beneath trees. New Zealand native with sprays of starry white flowers in summer.

Price $9.50
In stock

Cistus 'Bennetts White'

A wonderful variety with large white flowers like Romneya coulteri, unfortunately difficult to propagate so only a few.

Price $12.50
Last items in stock

Cotyledon macrantha

Large fleshy leafed variety with orange bells during winter. Easy in coastal gardens, good in pots and perennial plantings; a useful texture plant to combine with other succulents. Keep dry in winter.

Price $9.50
In stock

Diascia rigescens

One of the first plants I grew from cutting; quick growing and floriferous in a short space of time. In summer it requires complete cutting to the ground like an oriental poppy, and will resprout in autumn when there is sufficient moisture. Easy and quick to fill in spaces; pink flowers.

Price $8.50
In stock

Diplarrena moraea

Tasmanian native flag iris, useful  in combination with grasses and perennials. Lovely and abundant white flowers in spring, evergreen leaves and drought hardy.

Price $8.50
In stock

Erigeron karvinskianus

Prolific low mounding erigeron with long flowering habit, useful for many planting applications. Looks great as a path edging or border mass planting or fill under roses,  and needs minimal care or water.

Price $8.50
In stock

Heuchera 'Firefly'

A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.

Price $8.50
In stock

Heuchera 'Palace Purple'

Mounding variety with reddish purple foliage, and white flowers. In fill plant for woodland with epimedium, myosotidium and Primula beesiana.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Heucherella 'Coral Cloud'

A dwarf variety with a groundcovering habit and sprays of coral flowers in spring. Long flowering.

Price $8.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Bichon'

White flowered 'mop top' old fashioned macrophylla variety, vigorous and won't change colour with pH variation. Perfect in shade, grows best with some drainage.

Price $12.50
In stock

Iris foetidissima

A useful landscaping plant for dry areas in shade or part-sun. Interesting orange berries after flowering and evergreen leaves.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Ligularia dentata

Ornamental bronze tinged foliage plant for pond margins and clay soils; associates well with gunnera, filipendula, and Iris. Best in part shade, native to China and Japan.

Price $12.50
In stock

Nepeta 'Walkers Low'

A robust self supporting Nepeta for the sunny border flowering for most of summer. Easier to manage than N. "Six Hills Giant" and great for mass plantings in place of lavenders.

Price $8.50
In stock

Nepeta faasenii 'Catmint'

Old fashioned "catmint", mostly used as a border or edging in cottage gardens. Soft blue flowers, trim lightly in mid summer for a repeat flower in autumn.

Price $8.50
In stock

Persicaria 'Red Dragon'

Purple foliage plant with white flowers, for clay soils or wet areas, much loved by flower arrangers. Creates good foliage infill where needed.

Price $8.50
In stock

Persicaria bistorta 'Superbum'

Spreading perennial for moist areas with attractive musk-pink drumstick flowers in summer. Best result in cooler climates with morning sun on fertile soil.

Price $8.50
In stock

Podophyllum pleianthum

Rare woodland perennial from Taiwan vaguely resembling a Trillium. Humus rich drained soil in complete shade is essential for good results.

Price $16.50
In stock