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Our A-Z list of perennial flowering plants : find what suits your individual garden style and climate. Whether your garden is hot and dry, frosty, cold, too shady, or whatever your soil type, you will find plants here to suit your environment. Amongst our offerings you will find both easily grown plants which can be planted in masses for landscaping effect, and rare exotic treasures which require careful cultivation. Use our search function to find specific plant names, or choose the filter function in our menu to search for plants by size, drought tolerance, light requirement.

There are 78 products.

Showing 1-20 of 78 item(s)
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  • Light requirement: full sun to partial shade
  • Frost tolerance: moderate
  • Frost tolerance: poor

Agastache 'Blue Boa'

Long flowering agastache great for attracting butterflies into the garden. Summer flowering and one of the better agastache we have trialled, fertile loamy soil best, and will tolerate some clay if worked and mulched. We find these will only tolerate light occasional frost.

Price $9.50
In stock

Cotyledon macrantha

Large fleshy leafed variety with orange bells during winter. Easy in coastal gardens, good in pots and perennial plantings; a useful texture plant to combine with other succulents. Keep dry in winter.

Price $9.50
In stock

Dianthus 'Doris'

Double peachy pink carnation with full large flowers on medium stems. Fragrant and long lasting in the garden.

Price $9.50
In stock

Dianthus 'Mrs Gullen'

Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.

Price $9.50
In stock

Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins'

Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.

Price $9.50
In stock

Diascia rigescens

One of the first plants I grew from cutting; quick growing and floriferous in a short space of time. In summer it requires complete cutting to the ground like an oriental poppy, and will resprout in autumn when there is sufficient moisture. Easy and quick to fill in spaces; pink flowers.

Price $8.50
In stock

Dichondra 'Silver Falls'

Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.

Price $8.50
In stock

Dierama 'Rose Pink'

Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Dierama pulcherimmum 'Alba'

The beautiful white form of Dierama pulcherimmum. The white bells hang from slender arching stems that move gracefully in the breeze; a lovely subject for a pond or border.

Price $8.50
In stock

Echium pininana

Spectacular plant native to the Canary Islands with outrageously huge purple flower panicles to 250 cm from a large rosette of foliage. Impress your neighbours and plant a hedge of these! They will occasionally re-seed.

Price $8.50
In stock

Erigeron karvinskianus

Prolific low mounding erigeron with long flowering habit, useful for many planting applications. Looks great as a path edging or border mass planting or fill under roses,  and needs minimal care or water.

Price $8.50
In stock

Erysimum 'Bicolor'

Perennial wallflower that begins purple and transforms to apricot peachy tones as the flowers age, giving a lovely effect. Winter flowering, bird and butterfly attracting, fragrant.

Price $8.50
In stock

Eucomis 'Oakhurst'

Selected form of Eucomis comosa, with pink tinged flowers and purple buds. A beautiful and striking perennial, both for foliage and flowers, best grown in a mixed herbaceous border or in a pot with good drainage. Requires good drainage and fertility.

Price $12.50
In stock

Gaillardia 'Arizona Red'

A lower compact form that is brilliant for massed foreground plantings at 40cm high. These cheerful flowers combine well with other summer flowering perennials like echinacea, sedums, salvias, and perennial grasses. Ideal in coastal and Mediterranean climates.

Price $8.50
In stock

Geranium 'Pewter Pink'

We grow this evergreen variety as a ground cover in full to part sun, visitors frequently comment on its attractive appearance. The pink flowers over the pewter purple foliage are a pleasing contrast, and the plant has an effective ground covering habit. Requires reasonable drainage.

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Geranium 'Storm'

Similar in appearance, but a better all round garden plant than Geranium 'Pink Spice'; most useful as ground cover between roses and amongst taller perennials. Pewter purple grey leaves and pink flowers; vigorous like 'Mavis Simpson'. One of the best varieties.

Price $9.50
In stock

Geum 'Tangerine'

A wonderful Geum kept in circulation by Dennis Norgate; vibrant tangerine orange, repeat flowers throughout the year and non seeding.

Price $9.50
In stock

Gunnera manicata

Huge ornamental rhubarb from Brazil, suited to pond, bog, and streamside plantings. The leaves can be 1.5 - 2.5 m across, on stems up to 2.5 m in sheltered conditions.

Price $8.50
In stock

Helianthemum 'The Bride'

Cascading ground covering variety for stone walls and rockeries with pure white flowers. Useful in mass planting with prostrate rosemary and thymes. Spring to summer flowering.

Price $8.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Judys White'

Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.

Price $9.50
In stock