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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

Herbs and Medicinal

Herbs and Medicinal

Many garden perennials are in fact ancient herbs which were once widely used in herbal folk medicine, and now have been forgotten with the widespread distribution of modern pharmaceuticals. If you are interested in the history and uses of these perennial herbs you may also be interested to view our perennial plant list.

There are 16 products.

Showing 1-16 of 16 item(s)
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  • Flowering time: spring

Fragaria vesca

The original european wild strawberry, excellent as ground cover in shade or part sun. Small sweetly flavoured fruit and white flowers.

Price $8.50
In stock

Horse Radish

Vigorous herb which needs to be sited with consideration, like comfrey. Grows a bit too well from root cuttings, but worth having in the kitchen garden.

Price $8.50
In stock

Ladies Mantle

Alchemilla mollis. Ancient medicinal plant preferring part shade and clay soils, although generally easily grown. Attractive foliage and lime green flowers, winter deciduous.

Price $8.50
In stock

Mint Moroccan Spearmint

My favourite variety for tea when used fresh, with rich clean flavour. Also dries well. Grow in sheltered garden out of hot afternoon sun.

Price $8.50
In stock


Primula vulgaris. Similar medicinal value to the cowslip, the root being dried and used in early medicine to manage gout and arthritis.

Price $8.50
In stock

Sarcococca confusa

Glossy green hedging shrub with sweetly fragrant white flowers in winter. Best in cool conditions.

Price $9.50
In stock

Tasmannia lanceolata

Attractive shrub with pepper flavoured berries and leaves . Also a superb container specimen for part shade. Large plants.

Price $12.50
In stock

Viola 'Conte di Brazza'

Remarkable double white parma violet, sweetly perfumed and delicious. Plant as ground cover in shade under trees, combine with helleborus, anemone, dicentra, and epimedium. Similar to 'Swanley White' but as we have collected these from different sources we have listed separately.

Price $9.50
In stock

Viola 'Lady Hume Campbell'

Parma type with sweet fragrance, soft lavender lilac double flowers, perfectly placed near a doorway or garden pathway where its subtle perfume can be appreciated.

Price $9.50
In stock


Viola odorata. Perennial used for a variety of tonics in ancient medicine, primarily perfume and fragrance for addition into soaps and balms.

Price $8.50
In stock

Mint Black Peppermint

The most flavoursome variety of peppermint, used commonly for tea and oil production. Used medicinally for overcoming nausea and sickness, an easy variety for part shade.

Price $8.50

Mint English

Best used where fresh mint in needed in tabouleh, salads, sauces etc. Distinctly shaped rounded leaves and delicate fresh taste.

Price $8.50

Nicotiana sylvestris

Ornamental perennial from South America, with attractive white trumpet flowers and a sweet scent. A spectacular infill plant in mass plantings and backgrounds, best in part shade.

Price $8.50

Origanum vulgare ssp hirtum

Otherwise known as Greek oregano; a long flowering border perennial and a good crossover plant between ornamental and culinary usage. White flowers in summer.

Price $8.50

Sanguinaria canadensis

Bloodroot. An ancient perennial and medicinal plant used by the native American people, it is very toxic and should not be used without professional consultaton. We grow it as an ornamental groundcover in woodland with hostas, epimedium and dicentra, it is deciduous with white flowers.

Price $12.50