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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

Hedging and Shrubs

Hedging and Shrubs

Hedges are useful elements in designing a garden, defining boundaries and edges, as well as providing visual screens and shelter. Hedges are also useful in combination with deciduous plants, where they provide a sense of permanence during the winter dormant period. The varieties below have been chosen for their compact growth, ease of trimming, and hardiness. Needless to say it is the first 3 years pruning which is crucial in forming the basis of a good hedge, after which the plants can be let go to achieve their desired height. Use our search function to find specific plant names, or choose the filter function in our menu to search for plants by size, drought tolerance, light requirement

There are 24 products.

Showing 1-20 of 24 item(s)
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  • Flowering time: summer

Artemesia 'Powis Castle'

A worthwhile silver foliage variety, named after the Welsh castle and gardens. Will grow in low fertility soil, and makes an effective ground cover when combined with cistus, lavender, and rosmary.

Price $8.50
In stock

Callistemon pallidus

Tasmanian native bottlebrush with pale yellow flowers in spring. Makes a good bushy hedge, particularly good on clay soils. Trim annually for best results from an early age.

Price $8.50
In stock

Cistus 'Alan Fradd'

Single, white flowered variety, shrubby in form, large flowers and strong growth habit. Clips nicely to form a mound of foliage or low hedge.

Price $8.50
In stock

Cistus 'Silver Pink'

The silvery foliage in combination with the abundant single soft pink flowers creates a lovely effect. Like a wild rose but much easier to look after and without the thorns.

Price $8.50
In stock

Cistus 'Snow White'

Bushy plant with tons of closely packed white single flowers. Reddish buds before the flowers emerge creates a wonderful effect in early summer.

Price $8.50
In stock

Cistus salvifolius

This is our cutting grown form which gets to chest high and almost a metre across, like a large lavender. Hundreds of white flowers occur on one plant making this one of our favourite and best selling varieties. The foliage is fine and scallop shaped, allowing plants to shape well into dense mounded form. Pinch out at juvenile stage to develop the best...

Price $8.50
In stock

Cistus salvifolius 'Prostrate'

The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.

Price $8.50
In stock

Cotinus 'Grace'

Attractive deciduous specimen shrub, new growth is pink and green which becomes transforms to burgundy and flame red as the season progresses into autumn. Drought and frost hardy, slow growing.

Price $9.50
In stock

Helichrysum petiolare

Mounding grey foliage plant resembling ballota, useful for larger coastal gardens where it forms an effective ground cover with westringea, correa, prostrate rosmary and native grasses. Can also be grown as a low hedge if planted 80cm apart.

Price $8.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Annabelle'

White hydrangea, rounded clusters, vigorous and long flowering, colour not effected by soil pH.

Price $16.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Blauling'

Medium hydrangea with large heads of blue lacecaps. Note all blue hydrangea need acid soil to produce correct colouring; in alkaline soil they will tend toward pink.

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Hydrangea 'Blue Prince'

Old fashioned blue mop top hydrangea, needs acid soil to colour up well. Will go towards pink in alkaline soil.

Price $9.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Geoffrey Chadburn'

Deep pink hydrangea, flatter lacecap type like 'Tokyo Delight'; note pink varieties are less affected by soil pH than blue varieties.

Price $9.50
Last items in stock

Hydrangea 'Judys White'

Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.

Price $9.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Le Signe'

Traditional white mop top Hydrangea, flowers do not discolour with pH variation, plants form a good low hedge or border in shady conditions.

Price $9.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Libelle'

White lace cap variety, flatter flowers with lilac centre buds; stable colour and lovely.

Price $9.50
In stock

Hydrangea 'Mathilda Geuthes'

Can often be bicoloured, usually blue and purple depending on soil pH pink if alkaline. Fluffy rounded flower heads, vigorous long flowering.

Price $9.50
In stock

Hydrangea paniculata

More sun tolerant than other hydrangea varieties, but adaptable to part shade also. Beautiful deciduous variety with densely clustered white panicles in summer. Lovely feature plant behind perennials with deciduous viburnums,  or grouped in woodland settings. 

Price $12.50
In stock

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snowflake'

Beautiful semi deciduous shrub with attractive textured multicoloured leaves and white flowers, likes good drainage and shade or dappled sun. Can often retain its leaves but benefits from an occasional light prune to promote basal growth.

Price $12.50
In stock

Lavandula 'Hidcote'

The best dwarf "English" hedging lavender, which only grows to 60 cm or so. Trim after flowering to encourage bushy plants. Long-lived and not messy like other varieties.

Price $8.50
In stock