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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

Rock Garden

Rock Garden

The following plants are distinctive because of their low ground covering habit, and suitability for growing in a well drained rock garden environment. Height range is from 1cm-30cm, so read carefully and choose varieties that suit your individual circumstances. For example; plants like Geranium ‘Mavis Simpson’ although low growing, are more suited to a larger space, where as Geranium dalmaticum is a much smaller compact variety that suits small spaces.

There are 46 products.

Showing 1-20 of 46 item(s)
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  • Drought resistance: very good
  • Flowering time: summer

Allium Purple Rain

A beautiful Allium x rosenbachianum cultivar with tall stems topped with purple spherical flowers, requires good drainage in sun and to dry off in summer

Price $9.50
In stock

Calandrinia spectabilis

Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils,...

Price $12.50
In stock

Campanula persicifolia 'Boule de Neige'

A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.

Price $8.50
In stock

Centaurea bella

A beautiful variety for mediterranean themed gardens and one of our favourite matt forming perennials. The silver foliage is evergreen and creates a good low ground cover for edges and foreground plantings. Added to its attractive appearance, easy cultivation and a long flowering period makes it a great plant for Australian gardens.

Price $9.50
In stock

Cistus salvifolius 'Prostrate'

The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.

Price $8.50
In stock

Dianthus 'Clove Pink'

Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Dianthus 'Mrs Gullen'

Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.

Price $9.50
In stock

Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins'

Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.

Price $9.50
In stock

Dichondra 'Silver Falls'

Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.

Price $8.50
In stock

Echeveria elegans

Milky white rosette forming variety with pink flowers, attractive in clusters amongst Senecio serpens, sempervivums, and low growing sedums. A good variety for green roofs or amongst masonry.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Echeveria secunda

Rosette-forming succulent with apricot flowers and grey-blue leaves. Easy to grow and multiplies quickly.

Price $8.50
In stock

Geum rivale 'Coppertone'

This is a rivale cultivar perfect for foreground plantings in the cottage garden or perennial border. Apricot and peach tones, a great little plant we found in Wales in the mid 90's.

Price $9.50
In stock

Helianthemum 'The Bride'

Cascading ground covering variety for stone walls and rockeries with pure white flowers. Useful in mass planting with prostrate rosemary and thymes. Spring to summer flowering.

Price $8.50
In stock

Polygonatum 'Silver Edge'

Beautiful silver variegated form of the "Solomons Seal", each leaf lined with a white line around its outer edge. Easy to grow in shade under trees and shrubs.

Price $9.50
In stock

Santolina chamaecyparissus

Outstanding grey foliage plant for rock garden, border, or mass planting. Contrasts well with colourful foliage like berberis and cotinus, or in combination with Salvia nemorosa varieties. Yellow button flowers through summer, trim off if not your colour scheme!

Price $8.50
In stock

Santolina magonica

Low carpeting silver foliage cotton lavender, resembling a compact version of Santolina chaecyparissus. Brilliant in gravel gardens and mediterranean style plantings when combined with grasses, euphorbia, rosmarinus and erysimum.

Price $8.50
In stock

Scabiosa 'Pink Lace'

A terrific evergreen ground covering plant with a long flowering season, ideal beneath roses or amongst meadow or perennial border plantings. Very useful for foreground plantings as its only knee high and creates good fill.

Price $9.50
In stock

Sedum 'Ruby Glow'

Low growing sedum with cascading habit, ideal for bank or over wall. Rose pink to ruby flowers in summer.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Senecio serpens 'Blue Chalk'

Spreading succulent from South Africa with attractive blue grey foliage, useful when landscaping dry areas. Avoid winter wet or excessive irrigation.

Price $8.50
In stock

Silene uniflora

A terrific ground covering plant flowering for a long season with hundreds attractive white flowers, easy to grow over a bank, foreground edging , effective filler as massed as bedding for any situation, or combined in groups with mixed perennials in a meadow setting. All round great plant and current favourite of ours.

Price $9.50
In stock