Aeonium haworthii
Mound forming succulent for sunny dry areas, pots or rock garden; best if kept dry. Attractive leaves in rosettes.
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There are 77 products.
Mound forming succulent for sunny dry areas, pots or rock garden; best if kept dry. Attractive leaves in rosettes.
A beautiful Allium x rosenbachianum cultivar with tall stems topped with purple spherical flowers, requires good drainage in sun and to dry off in summer
Low mounding plant with silvery finely cut foliage and white daisies. Native to Sicily, extremely drought tolerant avoid over watering and wet areas. Cut back occasionally after flowering.
Low growing mounding variety with finely dissected silver foliage for perennial border or amongst roses. Herbaceous habit makes it compatible with bulbs and other low growing perennials.
Cushion-forming plant from Chile for the rockgarden or trough. Great around stones, spreads horizontally to form a tight mat.
Leafy plant from saxifragaceae family, useful for ground cover in dry shade where acanthus and euphorbia can take over. Good drainage and neutral to alkaline soils preferred.
Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils,...
A clumping Campanula persicifolia with full pure white double flowers. Lovely in between roses with Geranium 'Rozanne'. Easy to manage and non-invasive.
A beautiful variety for mediterranean themed gardens and one of our favourite matt forming perennials. The silver foliage is evergreen and creates a good low ground cover for edges and foreground plantings. Added to its attractive appearance, easy cultivation and a long flowering period makes it a great plant for Australian gardens.
The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.
Mounding plant with evergreen silvery foliage and white flowers, native to coastal Spain and Tuscany. Suited to dry sunny banks with no or minimal water and prefers slightly alkaline soil.
Native to Mexico where it is now extinct in the wild. Otherwise known as chocolate cosmos, the flowers have a scent like chocolate. Best in fertile, well drained soil in a perennial border.
Old fashioned cottage plant, forming cushions of grey foliage with sweetly fragrant red flowers. For the rockery or border.
Old fashioned variety from Dennis Norgate with double red fragrant flowers, strong bushy grower with long enough stems to pick, without being fragile like many of the modern carnation varieties.
Classical double white border carnation, with good fragrance and vigourous growth. Long lasting plant for rock garden or border. Cut back occasionally.
Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.
Milky white rosette forming variety with pink flowers, attractive in clusters amongst Senecio serpens, sempervivums, and low growing sedums. A good variety for green roofs or amongst masonry.
Rosette-forming succulent with apricot flowers and grey-blue leaves. Easy to grow and multiplies quickly.
Selected form of Eucomis comosa, with pink tinged flowers and purple buds. A beautiful and striking perennial, both for foliage and flowers, best grown in a mixed herbaceous border or in a pot with good drainage. Requires good drainage and fertility.
Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile...