Aubretia 'Rose Cascade'
Prolific carpeting ground cover flowering in spring, along with phlox, auriculas, and pulsatilla. They look best tumbling over a wall or in a rock garden where they get good sun and drainage.
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There are 21 products.
Prolific carpeting ground cover flowering in spring, along with phlox, auriculas, and pulsatilla. They look best tumbling over a wall or in a rock garden where they get good sun and drainage.
Widely known as the "English" snowdrop, these are native to Turkey and the Caucasus, described by British botanist and plant hunter Henry John Elwes in his botanical expedition to the Caucasus in 1874. One of the more robust species, elwesii is easily recognised by its wider leaf and large flower. Best in a cool shady position on well drained but fertile...
A low-spreading variety with attractive grey-green leaves and pink flowers. Great under roses with Heuchera americana and Alchemilla mollis.
A lovely species from Greece, useful as a ground-cover for part-sun with attractive velvety leaves. All the attributes of above with white flowers and contrasting red stamens. The foliage colours well in cold winter areas.
Choice evergreen Iris from Greece and Turkey with blue flowers like Iris reticulata. Our stock plants grow well in a sunny south-facing rockgarden.
A brilliant cushion forming plant, abundantly flowering in spring and early summer. We like to use these for path edgings and foreground plantings with dianthus and armeria. Best in friable soil.
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
Semi double almost black from our own breeding, vigorous and strong grower compared to others. Gravelly soil and full sun with some lime.
A good multiplier with a understated greenish bronze colour, nice and subtle.
A long stemmed form suitable for picking. Violet blue flowers in winter and early spring.
Rose pink form of Viola odorata, use as ground cover in shade under trees amongst Dicentra and Hostas.
Double white form, sweetly fragrant and lovely. Easy and clumping like other forms, best used in shade as ground cover.
Tall member of the Umbelliferae family with ornamental dark foliage and contrasting white flowers like 'Queen Annes lace'. Easy cottage garden perennial for soil with some moisture retention.
'Lily of the valley'. Clump forming and easy perennial for shade or part sun, sweetly fragrant bells in spring.
Dome-shaped low-growing Euphorbia for the rockgarden or border. Dozens of lime-green flowers in spring.
A cross between Geranium dalmaticum and G. macrorrhizum with good ground-covering habit and compact growth. A useful landscaping plant which looks tidy for most of the year. The flowers are white to pale pink and held well above the evergreen green foliage. Also good in pots.
A lovely species from Greece, useful as a ground-cover for part-sun with attractive velvety leaves and deep blue flowers. Closely related to Geranium ibiricum.
Native of Georgia and Turkey growing in shady places by streams in deciduous forest. A beautiful evergreen plant producing delicate porcelain blue flowers in the early spring. Works well as a mass planting beneath trees with hellebores and Geranium phaeum.
A pretty variety we raised a few years ago from experimental crosses, with some creative contributions from our staff for the name. Good clumping habit and a subtle colour.