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  • Woodbridge Nursery Instagram

Rock Garden

Rock Garden

The following plants are distinctive because of their low ground covering habit, and suitability for growing in a well drained rock garden environment. Height range is from 1cm-30cm, so read carefully and choose varieties that suit your individual circumstances. For example; plants like Geranium ‘Mavis Simpson’ although low growing, are more suited to a larger space, where as Geranium dalmaticum is a much smaller compact variety that suits small spaces.

There are 6 products.

Showing 1-6 of 6 item(s)
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  • Frost tolerance: poor

Aeonium haworthii

Mound forming succulent for sunny dry areas, pots or rock garden; best if kept dry. Attractive leaves in rosettes.

Price $8.50
In stock

Calandrinia spectabilis

Botanical rarity seldom seen in Australian gardens, native to Chile. Bright magenta poppy-like flowers on long graceful stems that move beautifully in a light breeze. Mid-green diamond shaped leaves form a good mound of evergreen foliagel, which works well as a focal point in succulent groupings and rock garden plantings. Best in drier drained soils,...

Price $12.50
In stock

Cosmos atrosanguineus

Native to Mexico where it is now extinct in the wild. Otherwise known as chocolate cosmos, the flowers have a scent like chocolate. Best in fertile, well drained soil in a perennial border.

Price $9.50
In stock

Echeveria secunda

Rosette-forming succulent with apricot flowers and grey-blue leaves. Easy to grow and multiplies quickly.

Price $8.50
In stock

Senecio serpens 'Blue Chalk'

Spreading succulent from South Africa with attractive blue grey foliage, useful when landscaping dry areas. Avoid winter wet or excessive irrigation.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aeonium 'Tricolor'

An interesting variety which changes its foliage coloration throughout the season. Leaves begin as green then gradually turn golden in autumn with attractive red tints. Best in a dry rock garden or pot.

Price $8.50