Westringia 'Wynyabie Gem'
One of the better Westringia erimicola cultivars that shapes very well, and provides a lasting dense hedge or screen. Lavender flowers and great bird habitat, avoid winter wet.
Bushy plant with tons of closely packed white single flowers. Reddish buds before the flowers emerge creates a wonderful effect in early summer.
Bushy plant with tons of closely packed white single flowers. Reddish buds before the flowers emerge creates a wonderful effect in early summer.
Data sheet
One of the better Westringia erimicola cultivars that shapes very well, and provides a lasting dense hedge or screen. Lavender flowers and great bird habitat, avoid winter wet.
Medium hydrangea with large heads of blue lacecaps. Note all blue hydrangea need acid soil to produce correct colouring; in alkaline soil they will tend toward pink.
Attractive shrub with pepper flavoured berries and leaves . Also a superb container specimen for part shade. Large plants.
White hydrangea, rounded clusters, vigorous and long flowering, colour not effected by soil pH.
Evergreen shrub forming an attractive rounded shape with sweetly fragrant clusters of white and pink flowers in spring.
Beautiful semi deciduous shrub with attractive textured multicoloured leaves and white flowers, likes good drainage and shade or dappled sun. Can often retain its leaves but benefits from an occasional light prune to promote basal growth.
Can often be bicoloured, usually blue and purple depending on soil pH pink if alkaline. Fluffy rounded flower heads, vigorous long flowering.
A wonderful variety with large white flowers like Romneya coulteri, unfortunately difficult to propagate so only a few.
The low growing spreading form of this cistus, it will get to about knee high an a metre or so across. Beautiful with prostrate rosemary, Euphorbia, and Salvia nemorosa.
Vigorous form with pale flowers and larger leaves than other varieties. Vertical upright growth, suitable for specimen or hedging.
Semi prostrate medium blue form with cascading habit, useful winter flowering ground cover.
Attractive shrub for part sun, the male is required to provide pollination for fertile viable berries. The leaves from both male and female plants can also be used for flavouring a wide range of dishes, both sweet and savoury.
Deciduous 'snowball tree' with fluffy white snowball flowers . Lovely variety, good specimen shrub or small tree.
Flat white lacecaps on multi level horizontally tiered branches, a much admired classic form.
Portugese form of the pink rosemary, more true pink than Majorca pink and less upright, bushier and lower growing.
The best dwarf "English" hedging lavender, which only grows to 60 cm or so. Trim after flowering to encourage bushy plants. Long-lived and not messy like other varieties.
Bushy plant with tons of closely packed white single flowers. Reddish buds before the flowers emerge creates a wonderful effect in early summer.