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The most flavoursome variety of peppermint, used commonly for tea and oil production. Used medicinally for overcoming nausea and sickness, an easy variety for part shade.
Perennial Chamomile, an indispensable herb for soothing teas and a gentle disinfectant for cuts and eye inflammations. Plant closely with thymes for a Chamomile lawn or just grow a few clumps in the herb garden. Distinct from German Chamomile which is the annual variety best grown from seed.
Ornamental perennial from South America, with attractive white trumpet flowers and a sweet scent. A spectacular infill plant in mass plantings and backgrounds, best in part shade.
Compact broad bush to 1.5m, vigorous and abundant fruiting. Fruit can become very plump and juicy when ripe, which is ideal for home consumption where the fruit is used fresh, but not so suitable for commercial packaging and storage. As with other varieties, acid well drained soil with plenty of mulch and summer moisture.
Rose pink flowers in mid summer, great foliage aroma, makes amazing tea which is sweet like licorice. Add spear mint or thyme for cold drinks, add to salad, etc.
The original european wild strawberry, excellent as ground cover in shade or part sun. Small sweetly flavoured fruit and white flowers.
Glossy green hedging shrub with sweetly fragrant white flowers in winter. Best in cool conditions.
Horseradish, useful perennial for moist soils. Easy to grow and can sprout from roots, so position carefully.
Lovely variety with flower spikes in peach and apricot tones, like the colours of old fashioned roses. Clumping habit and long flowering.
Attractive shrub with pepper flavoured berries and leaves . Also a superb container specimen for part shade. Large plants.
Remarkable double white parma violet, sweetly perfumed and delicious. Plant as ground cover in shade under trees, combine with helleborus, anemone, dicentra, and epimedium. Similar to 'Swanley White' but as we have collected these from different sources we have listed separately.
Prostrate white thyme only 1 cm high, plant as lawn or amongst stones, gravel or pavers for ground cover.
Lavandula officianalis. Like 'Hidecote' but a more intense darker purple colour with shorter blunter flower spikes.
My friend Paulette grew these from seed, and these are cutting raised plants from selected seedlings. Apparently the flowers are edible, I love the perfume and they flower forever with no fuss. Best in border or rock garden, rich pink flowers.
Vigorous form with pale flowers and larger leaves than other varieties. Vertical upright growth, suitable for specimen or hedging.
Semi prostrate medium blue form with cascading habit, useful winter flowering ground cover.