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Erysimum 'Brown Sugar'

A lovely variation on 'Bicolor' with copper two tone flowers for much of winter. Perennial wallflowers require good drainage and dont like it too wet.

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A lovely variation on 'Bicolor' with copper two tone flowers for much of winter. Perennial wallflowers require good drainage and dont like it too wet.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun
Height range
large (81 - 120cm)
Drought resistance
very good
Frost tolerance
Flowering time
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Erysimum 'Primrose Gem'

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Astrantia 'Woodbridge White'

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Allium hollandicum

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Hosta 'Blue Arrow'

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Tulbaghia violacea

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Phlox 'Emerald Cushion'

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Aruncus dioicus 'Kneiffii'

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Price $9.50

Verbena bonariensis

Late summer filler for perennial border, flowering from summer into winter. An easy plant that will in fill nicely between penstemons, euphorbias and dahlias. Dead head to prolong flowering, purple flowers on tall airy stems.

Price $8.50

Euphorbia schillingii

Robust and moisture tolerant species from Nepal, with attractive tall foliage and lime-green flowers. A stately elegant plant that can be cut to the ground in winter, flowers appear early summer alongside delphiniums, lupins, and campanula.

Price $9.50

Panicum 'Autumn Glory'

Lower growing to waist high with soft foliage and improved autumn colour, one of the better panicums. A nicely clumping contained grass that looks good in groups amongst echinacea and summer perennials, wont self seed and lasts a long time. However needs decent fertile soil to flourish.

Price $9.50
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