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Pachystegia 'Prebbleton'

We originally raised this from a batch of wild seed collected for us by some friends in Prebbleton New Zealand. We have reproduced these from cuttings, as special charachteristic is better vigour than the usual insignis seedlings. Leaves are olive green with a hint of grey, branching bushy spectacular shrub with white flowers for a sunny alkaline well drained position.

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We originally raised this from a batch of wild seed collected for us by some friends in Prebbleton New Zealand. We have reproduced these from cuttings, as special charachteristic is better vigour than the usual insignis seedlings. Leaves are olive green with a hint of grey, branching bushy spectacular shrub with white flowers for a sunny alkaline well drained position.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
large (81 - 120cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
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