Paeonia 'Garden Treasure'
Itoh type paeonia resulting from crossing herbaceous and shrubby species, beautiful foliage and huge ruffled soft lemon flowers like a old fashioned rose. Need good drainage and fertile soil, long lived plant.
One of the best deciduous geraniums with rich purple violet flowers and large palmate foliage,very long lived and forms a good sized 60cm across clump. Loves fertility and prefers heavier soil type, not in pots. Flowers in summer, after the early season geraniums.
One of the best deciduous geraniums with rich purple violet flowers and large palmate foliage,very long lived and forms a good sized 60cm across clump. Loves fertility and prefers heavier soil type, not in pots. Flowers in summer, after the early season geraniums.
Data sheet
Itoh type paeonia resulting from crossing herbaceous and shrubby species, beautiful foliage and huge ruffled soft lemon flowers like a old fashioned rose. Need good drainage and fertile soil, long lived plant.
A pretty covering clematis that looks good tumbling over a wall or embankment. Likes alkaline free draining soil and flowers for a long time, compact and abundant.
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
White flowered low spreading ground cover for full sun preferring loose drained soil types. Useful for foreground and border plantings.
Robust and moisture tolerant species from Nepal, with attractive tall foliage and lime-green flowers. A stately elegant plant that can be cut to the ground in winter, flowers appear early summer alongside delphiniums, lupins, and campanula.
Warm climate blueberry, requiring less winter chill than others, however needs pollinator for best fruiting yeild
Richly coloured summer flowering achillea, begins as a deep burnt orange colour and will fade to a soft ochre.
Late summer filler for perennial border, flowering from summer into winter. An easy plant that will in fill nicely between penstemons, euphorbias and dahlias. Dead head to prolong flowering, purple flowers on tall airy stems.
Attractive glossy foliage plant for shade, use as mass plantings for ground cover or grouped as specimens. Likes free draining soil in a cool position, very tough however once established, evergreen. Flowers unexciting, we usually chop off to feature the beautifully attractive leaves which can get to 20cm across.
A brilliant low grass with outstanding flowers and seedheads, suitable for massed foreground plantings in landscape design work or in clusters amongst other perennials. A slender plant so plant closely at 25cm for best results. Not self seeding in our trial stockbeds.
Terrific tall variety, white flowering. Basal foliage produces dozens of 2m flower spikes, superb summer flowering background, plant in heavier fertile soil, shorter in less ideal conditions.
Flat white lacecaps on multi level horizontally tiered branches, a much admired classic form.
Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.
Old fashioned "catmint", mostly used as a border or edging in cottage gardens. Soft blue flowers, trim lightly in mid summer for a repeat flower in autumn.
Very pretty pale pink variety, mounding habit a bit over knee high for sunny position on drained soil. Trim after flowering to keep compact.60
Attractive mauve colour distinct from the usual pinks and blues, cultivation as per other nemorosa varieties, will repeat flower on good soil if trimmed hard after first flowering.
One of the best deciduous geraniums with rich purple violet flowers and large palmate foliage,very long lived and forms a good sized 60cm across clump. Loves fertility and prefers heavier soil type, not in pots. Flowers in summer, after the early season geraniums.