Achillea 'Blush'
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
A striking prolific and bushy medium height variety that flowers late summer, both foliage and flowers are darker colours that combine well with autumn golds and ochres.
A striking prolific and bushy medium height variety that flowers late summer, both foliage and flowers are darker colours that combine well with autumn golds and ochres.
Data sheet
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
Variation of the usual blue forms, this one likes similar damp conditions in shade, forming a low spreading groundcover
Old fashioned cottage garden perennial, robust form with upright flower stems, rich cobalt blue.
The true "bleeding heart", for well drained soil in a protected shady garden, native to China. Protect emerging shoots in early spring from pets and snails, cut back after flowering for a second flush of growth.
A bushy low growing variety with good blue flowers, ideally planted as path edgings or massed beneath roses or in grouped foreground plantings amongst other perennials. Repeat flowers well, so chop hard after first flowering to freshen up and will repeat flower 4 weeks later.
Low growing variety with pink tinged foliage, bee attracting summer flowering.
A cold tolerant highbush variety with a long fruiting period, reputedly self fertile, however combining varieties improves pollination generally.
Lovely variety with flower spikes in peach and apricot tones, like the colours of old fashioned roses. Clumping habit and long flowering.
Low growing bedding and border plant with blue flowers, lasts well in a vase and keeps producing if deadheaded.
Slender upright green, lemon and cream coloured poker , flowers fading to a softer colour as they age. Superb cut flower & accent plant amongst grasses and perennials.
Floriferous South African dwarf bulb for the rockgarden and containers. Easy and prolific, very colourful in spring, combine with thymes, cyclamen, and miniature daffodils.
Spectacular summer flowering salvia for bedding and foreground plantings, frost hardy and perennial. Cut to ground in winter.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
A beautiful low compact variety for edging or foreground, virtually evergreen and flowers for a long time. Prefers heavier moisture retentive soil types, and a cooler position is best although will take both full sun or part shade.
A very popular "Pacific Giant" strain with deep inky blue flowers. Easily grown on good soil in sun.