Potentilla 'Hamlet'
Recently imported variety with large semi double flowers like old velvet. Beautiful and long flowering, wonderful with geraniums and heuchera amongst roses..
Low mounding variety that will trail over a wall or amongst rocks, likes drained drier soil types. Tasmanian native, very pretty plant and surprisingly tough, will withstand summer dry.
Low mounding variety that will trail over a wall or amongst rocks, likes drained drier soil types. Tasmanian native, very pretty plant and surprisingly tough, will withstand summer dry.
Data sheet
Recently imported variety with large semi double flowers like old velvet. Beautiful and long flowering, wonderful with geraniums and heuchera amongst roses..
A pretty covering clematis that looks good tumbling over a wall or embankment. Likes alkaline free draining soil and flowers for a long time, compact and abundant.
Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.
A beautiful new variety from our trial beds; flowers open white with a blush of pink on the underside, good stem length and vigour compared to other varieties. Grow in a cool damp spot on rich soil, winter deciduous as per other astrantia. Pinch out first flower to help roots develop.
Superb tall drumstick type allium with white flowers, ensure very well drained soil and not too wet in winter and dry in summer, especially after flowering
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
Warm climate blueberry, requiring less winter chill than others, however needs pollinator for best fruiting yeild
A very late flowering variety with tall wiry stems and in its early stages an interesting tight flower bud, providing a similar effect to craspedia globosa. Attractive low basal foliage, and a sculptural interesting plant for late summer groupings.
A good plant for medium to heavy soils, flowering in summer with sedums, echinacea, rudbeckia and heleniums; fills nicely in the perennial border and amongst ornamental grasses
Waist high aster with large dark green leaves and late season blue/mauve daisies, a strong plant and easy amongst grasses or other perennials.
Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.
Beautiful variation of the species from Crete, originally from Marcus Harvey. Winter flowering, and a great compact structure plant in rock gardens amongst dwarf bulbs and cyclamen. Low mounding shape with grassy foliage , cold and drought hardy, long lived and only 25cm high. Overall great plant.
Pretty variety with numerous sprays of lilac flowers, very prolific in autumn.
Useful spreading low growing variety with a long flowering period, suits cottage garden or perennial border.
White flowered delphinium. Classic old-fashioned cottage garden plant and cut flower, plant in a protected spot on well drained fertile soil and these will flower year after year. Squash any nearby snails when the shoots first emerge in spring.
Our own variety which we have multiplied from division, flame orange fading into chesnut brown.
Low mounding variety that will trail over a wall or amongst rocks, likes drained drier soil types. Tasmanian native, very pretty plant and surprisingly tough, will withstand summer dry.