Geum 'Totally Tangerine'
A softer apricot colour than the regular brighter tangerine variety, flowers for much of the year in fertile heavier soil types.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
Data sheet
A softer apricot colour than the regular brighter tangerine variety, flowers for much of the year in fertile heavier soil types.
Low growing variety with pink tinged foliage, bee attracting summer flowering.
A brilliant low grass with outstanding flowers and seedheads, suitable for massed foreground plantings in landscape design work or in clusters amongst other perennials. A slender plant so plant closely at 25cm for best results. Not self seeding in our trial stockbeds.
Vigourous form of white wind flower for shade or part sun, this is a variation with slightly narrower multiple layered petals. Drained fertile soils improve flowering performance.
A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.
The best white persicaria we have tried, as with Taurus and others, these will flower in summer but good much and soil fertility will ensure their best performance. Waist high or fraction higher in moister conditions, basal foliage with drifts of vertical white spikes. We like to plant these in clumped groups of 5 or 9 at 25cm spacings for best effect.
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
Attractive unusual clumping woodland plant for shade and loose soil, fairly slow growing but totally worth it. Creates a beautiful exotic marbled foliage texture amongst woodland plants
Cascades of beautiful silvery plumes in autumn. Vigorous and clump forming. Allow space to show off its best qualities. Combines well with Perovskia and Stipa arundinacea.
Floriferous South African dwarf bulb for the rockgarden and containers. Easy and prolific, very colourful in spring, combine with thymes, cyclamen, and miniature daffodils.
White form of the Algerian iris, equally as hardy as the blue forms. Best in free draining soil, colonizes well over time forming grassy mounds flowering in winter. Ideal mass planting under shrubs or specimen plant.
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
Viburnum sargentii cultivar, bronze tipped foliage turning reddish purple in autumn. Flat white 'lacecap' clusters tinged pink. Attractive medium deciduous shrub.
Soft primrose yellow yarrow, good for floral work and cottage gardens. Easy to grow, perennial. Also referred to in herbal medicine, said to aid in the relief of colds and chest complaints.
Rare white form of the usual blue, useful for ground cover in part shade or sun. Vigorous and spreading like the blue form.
Useful low mounding variety for a mediterranean planting style or gravel garden, combining well with erysimum, euphorbia, perovskia and lavender. Trim after flowering.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.