Thalictrum dipterocarpum
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
Data sheet
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
A strong variety of bluebells that will colonize well in areas of shade or part sun, active mid winter and flowering spring to early summer, potted cluster of bulbs.
Firey orange red calceolaria, long lived perennial variety with shrubby growth like salvia or santolina. Trim after flowering to maintain shape and vigour.
Rich pink variety, easy cottage garden plant flowering in autumn. Combine with ornamental grasses and sedums.
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.
Flat white lacecaps on multi level horizontally tiered branches, a much admired classic form.
Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.
Recently imported variety with large semi double flowers like old velvet. Beautiful and long flowering, wonderful with geraniums and heuchera amongst roses..
A terrific subulata ground covering variety, hundereds purple flowers in spring an a good groundcovering habit, likes some drainage but not overly fussy and can tolerate drying out in summer..
Blue grey leaves, sieboldiana cross distinguished by its symmetrically pointed leaves, forms a good clump in shade.
A cold tolerant highbush variety with a long fruiting period, reputedly self fertile, however combining varieties improves pollination generally.
A beautiful new variety from our trial beds; flowers open white with a blush of pink on the underside, good stem length and vigour compared to other varieties. Grow in a cool damp spot on rich soil, winter deciduous as per other astrantia. Pinch out first flower to help roots develop.
A good salvia for open positions where it gets plenty of sun. Long flowering from mid summer onwards with literally hundreds of light blue flowers. Trim back annually like a lavender for best long term results.
Attractive mauve colour distinct from the usual pinks and blues, cultivation as per other nemorosa varieties, will repeat flower on good soil if trimmed hard after first flowering.
Useful spreading low growing variety with a long flowering period, suits cottage garden or perennial border.