Geum 'Tangerine'
A wonderful Geum kept in circulation by Dennis Norgate; vibrant tangerine orange, repeat flowers throughout the year and non seeding.
A beautiful grass from Peru where it grows on elevated dry plateau on gravelly ground. In Australia it tends to flower autumn to winter, and prefers to dry off in summer, although in mild areas it seems to flower continuously if dead headed. Cut older plants back to half after flowering once growth begins to show signs of drying off. The white flowers are very attractive in mass plantings, and so far the grass has not self sowed. A lower slowish growing variety that doesnt like wet feet.
A beautiful grass from Peru where it grows on elevated dry plateau on gravelly ground. In Australia it tends to flower autumn to winter, and prefers to dry off in summer, although in mild areas it seems to flower continuously if dead headed. Cut older plants back to half after flowering once growth begins to show signs of drying off. The white flowers are very attractive in mass plantings, and so far the grass has not self sowed. A lower slowish growing variety that doesnt like wet feet.
Data sheet
A wonderful Geum kept in circulation by Dennis Norgate; vibrant tangerine orange, repeat flowers throughout the year and non seeding.
A good salvia for open positions where it gets plenty of sun. Long flowering from mid summer onwards with literally hundreds of light blue flowers. Trim back annually like a lavender for best long term results.
Native of Georgia and Turkey growing in shady places by streams in deciduous forest. A beautiful evergreen plant producing delicate porcelain blue flowers in the early spring. Works well as a mass planting beneath trees with hellebores and Geranium phaeum.
We originally raised this from a batch of wild seed collected for us by some friends in Prebbleton New Zealand. We have reproduced these from cuttings, as special charachteristic is better vigour than the usual insignis seedlings. Leaves are olive green with a hint of grey, branching bushy spectacular shrub with white flowers for a sunny alkaline well...
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
Spectacular summer flowering salvia for bedding and foreground plantings, frost hardy and perennial. Cut to ground in winter.
A pretty and long flowered plant for a damp soil in a sheltered position forms a nice clump. Grows well amongst other perennials or under roses.
Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.
The best white persicaria we have tried, as with Taurus and others, these will flower in summer but good much and soil fertility will ensure their best performance. Waist high or fraction higher in moister conditions, basal foliage with drifts of vertical white spikes. We like to plant these in clumped groups of 5 or 9 at 25cm spacings for best effect.
A terrific compact form of artemesia popular in mediterranean gardens, similar to 'Powis Castle' in silver foliage effect but finer and less shrubby, more suitable amongst perennial plantings.
Medium height violet aster, prolific flowering in autumn. Easy cultivation as with other varieties
Drought hardy silver foliage plant for topiary and background, use in place of Italian lavenders which are disappointing and die out after a few years. Attractive blue flowers, drought tolerant.
A brilliant new cultivar with deep purple flowers. Easily cultivated in fertile moist soil, tall graceful stems.
Blue grey leaves, sieboldiana cross distinguished by its symmetrically pointed leaves, forms a good clump in shade.
Soft primrose yellow yarrow, good for floral work and cottage gardens. Easy to grow, perennial. Also referred to in herbal medicine, said to aid in the relief of colds and chest complaints.
Aquilegia caerulea cultivar, long spurred coral red flowers with white centres.
A beautiful grass from Peru where it grows on elevated dry plateau on gravelly ground. In Australia it tends to flower autumn to winter, and prefers to dry off in summer, although in mild areas it seems to flower continuously if dead headed. Cut older plants back to half after flowering once growth begins to show signs of drying off. The white flowers are very attractive in mass plantings, and so far the grass has not self sowed. A lower slowish growing variety that doesnt like wet feet.