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Panicum 'Autumn Glory'

Lower growing to waist high with soft foliage and improved autumn colour, one of the better panicums. A nicely clumping contained grass that looks good in groups amongst echinacea and summer perennials, wont self seed and lasts a long time. However needs decent fertile soil to flourish.

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Lower growing to waist high with soft foliage and improved autumn colour, one of the better panicums. A nicely clumping contained grass that looks good in groups amongst echinacea and summer perennials, wont self seed and lasts a long time. However needs decent fertile soil to flourish.

Product Details

Data sheet

Light requirement
full sun to partial shade
Height range
medium (21 - 80cm)
Drought resistance
Frost tolerance
extremely good
Flowering time
16 other products in the same category:

Nepeta Purrsian Blue'

A bushy low growing variety with good blue flowers, ideally planted as path edgings or massed beneath roses or in grouped foreground plantings amongst other perennials. Repeat flowers well, so chop hard after first flowering to freshen up and will repeat flower 4 weeks later.

Price $9.50
In stock

Rytidosperma caespitosum 'Bruny'

A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.

Price $8.50
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Artemesia 'Lambrook Silver'

A terrific compact form of artemesia popular in mediterranean gardens, similar to 'Powis Castle' in silver foliage effect  but finer and less shrubby, more suitable amongst perennial plantings.

Price $8.50

Salvia 'Megans Magic'

My favourite new salvia for border, rose-garden or mass planting. White flowers enveloped by a royal purple calyx on a vigourous plant that"s not too big, but not too small. Grows well in large containers providing you remember to water.

Price $8.50
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Allium hollandicum

A vigorous ornamental allium with large pinkish purple spherical flowers on tall wiry stems. Attractive in mass border plantings or in parterre gardens, also a much sought after cut flower. Can self seed so trim off unwanted seed heads when flowers have lost colour.

Price $9.50
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Eucomis comosa

White flowered form of E.comosa, strappy foliage and summer flowering, showy plant, winter deciduous, large bulbs.

Price $9.50
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Fritillaria meleagris

The beautiful 'snakes head' Fritillaria. Easy to grow but requires drainage, moderate fertility with organic matter content in the soil and a cool position. Best in part shade in the rockgarden, or in a large pot or raised bed. Colour can vary from pink to purple, rarely but occasionally white.

Price $9.50

Thalictrum dipterocarpum

Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.

Price $8.50
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Erigeron karvinskianus

Prolific low mounding erigeron with long flowering habit, useful for many planting applications. Looks great as a path edging or border mass planting or fill under roses,  and needs minimal care or water.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Hydrangea 'Amethyst'

Attractive multicoloured variety, which starts off as lime green and cream then ages to pink or pale blue depending on soil pH. Morning sun only, best in part shade with good drainage.

Price $12.50
In stock

Rudbeckia maxima

Fantastic perennial unlike anything else. Large yellow sombrero-shaped daisies on 1.8 metre stems with large blue grey leaves. Focal point for the back of a mixed border or a feature in a prairie garden. 

Price $9.50
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Delphinium 'Black Knight'

A very popular "Pacific Giant" strain with deep inky blue flowers. Easily grown on good soil in sun.

Price $8.50
In stock

Aubretia 'Rose Cascade'

Prolific carpeting ground cover flowering in spring, along with phlox, auriculas, and pulsatilla. They look best tumbling over a wall or in a rock garden where they get good sun and drainage. 

Price $9.50
In stock

Thalictrum 'Elin'

One of the tallest thalictrum with both wonderful foliage and flower display. Good in shade or part sun, prominent background plant, one of the best varieties we have grown.

Price $12.50

Santolina Primrose Gem

Useful low mounding variety for a mediterranean planting style or gravel garden, combining well with erysimum, euphorbia, perovskia and lavender. Trim after flowering.

Price $8.50
Last items in stock

Anemone 'Honorine Jobert'

Pure white Japanese wind-flower for shaded woodland plantings. Not fast to establish but vigorous and low maintenance once fully grown. Mulch well, and trim lightly after flowering.

Price $9.50
In stock