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Persicaria 'Taurus'
A useful pond side plant or for wet soils, where it will form a dense ground cover. Bright green leaves and red flowers during summer.
A strong white succulent ground cover from Silver Banksia nursery, very tough and the rich green foliage provides a good contrast for the white flowers. Good over a rocky bank, wall, or general ground cover in drier sunny areas.
A strong white succulent ground cover from Silver Banksia nursery, very tough and the rich green foliage provides a good contrast for the white flowers. Good over a rocky bank, wall, or general ground cover in drier sunny areas.
Data sheet
A useful pond side plant or for wet soils, where it will form a dense ground cover. Bright green leaves and red flowers during summer.
Our own variety which we have multiplied from division, flame orange fading into chesnut brown.
Attractive unusual clumping woodland plant for shade and loose soil, fairly slow growing but totally worth it. Creates a beautiful exotic marbled foliage texture amongst woodland plants
A terrific subulata ground covering variety, hundereds purple flowers in spring an a good groundcovering habit, likes some drainage but not overly fussy and can tolerate drying out in summer..
A good plant for medium to heavy soils, flowering in summer with sedums, echinacea, rudbeckia and heleniums; fills nicely in the perennial border and amongst ornamental grasses
Attractive deciduous specimen shrub, new growth is pink and green which becomes transforms to burgundy and flame red as the season progresses into autumn. Drought and frost hardy, slow growing.
A very popular "Pacific Giant" strain with deep inky blue flowers. Easily grown on good soil in sun.
My favourite new salvia for border, rose-garden or mass planting. White flowers enveloped by a royal purple calyx on a vigourous plant that"s not too big, but not too small. Grows well in large containers providing you remember to water.
Low growing rivale type with a long flowering period, good for path edging or foreground beds, these do best in heavier soils with some fertility, but in good soil are drought hardy and will take some summer heat.
Prolific cascading groundcover phlox with rich pink flowers in early summer; great plant amongst rocks, bedding.
Useful spreading low growing variety with a long flowering period, suits cottage garden or perennial border.
Attractive glossy foliage plant for shade, use as mass plantings for ground cover or grouped as specimens. Likes free draining soil in a cool position, very tough however once established, evergreen. Flowers unexciting, we usually chop off to feature the beautifully attractive leaves which can get to 20cm across.
A vigorous tall late summer flowering variety that never disappoints in its florferous abundance, provides good fill and the blue looks great with autumn grasses, sedums and rudbeckia.
Papaver Choir Boy produces beautiful white poppies with black central blotches, grow in fertile moisture retentive clay based soil and allow to dry out over late summer. Not for pots.
Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.
A handsome plant with attractive palmate foliage on straight stems, topped with 30 cm spikes of pale pink Veronica flowers. Best in a moist fertile spot.