Iris louisiana 'Sinfonietta'
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
A pretty covering clematis that looks good tumbling over a wall or embankment. Likes alkaline free draining soil and flowers for a long time, compact and abundant.
A pretty covering clematis that looks good tumbling over a wall or embankment. Likes alkaline free draining soil and flowers for a long time, compact and abundant.
Data sheet
Spectacular clumping Iris for pond sides and moisture retentive soils, big blue flowers in summer. For grouped plantings plant 20-25cm apart for best results.
Later season Aster laterifolius cultivar with dark foliage and pink flowers. A attractive foliage variation and mounding habit has a soft effect. Great in meadow style plantings with other perennials.
Soft primrose yellow yarrow, good for floral work and cottage gardens. Easy to grow, perennial. Also referred to in herbal medicine, said to aid in the relief of colds and chest complaints.
Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.
My favourite new salvia for border, rose-garden or mass planting. White flowers enveloped by a royal purple calyx on a vigourous plant that"s not too big, but not too small. Grows well in large containers providing you remember to water.
Prolific mid season flowering verbena which combines well in meadow plantings amongst other perennials, the dark stems and foliage look particularly good in full sun with summer colours.
Variation of the usual blue forms, this one likes similar damp conditions in shade, forming a low spreading groundcover
A recent release from our trial beds, begins as brighter musk pink then fades to soft pink then eventually cream, subtle and lovely and multicoloured tones as the flowers age. Easily cultivated like other yarrows in full sun.
A brilliant cushion forming plant, abundantly flowering in spring and early summer. We like to use these for path edgings and foreground plantings with dianthus and armeria. Best in friable soil.
We have selected this form for its showy larger than usual flowers and longer stem, which suits cutting for floral arrangements. To get the best out of these, plenty of fertility and moisture, shade to part sun.
A vigorous tall late summer flowering variety that never disappoints in its florferous abundance, provides good fill and the blue looks great with autumn grasses, sedums and rudbeckia.
One of the tallest thalictrum with both wonderful foliage and flower display. Good in shade or part sun, prominent background plant, one of the best varieties we have grown.
One of the best achillea for foliage structure, the flowers are at their best pre colouring when the combination of grey flower buds and silvery foliage provide a lovely texture amongst summer perennials.
Robust and moisture tolerant species from Nepal, with attractive tall foliage and lime-green flowers. A stately elegant plant that can be cut to the ground in winter, flowers appear early summer alongside delphiniums, lupins, and campanula.
Wonderful evergreen shrub from New Zealand with ornamental leathery leaves and white daisy flowers. Requires a cool well-drained site or a large pot in a sheltered spot.
Remarkable shrubby poppy from California for well drained soils and sun, will grow to a large bushy plant a metre across with dozens of white poppy flowers in summer. It requires a decent amount of space where it can sucker up and expand, resents transplantation once established. Very tough and drought hardy once established.
A pretty covering clematis that looks good tumbling over a wall or embankment. Likes alkaline free draining soil and flowers for a long time, compact and abundant.