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Lower growing hosta with lots of lilac flowers and good rosettes of blue grey foliage. Useful variety for foreground plantings in part sun to shade.
Lower growing hosta with lots of lilac flowers and good rosettes of blue grey foliage. Useful variety for foreground plantings in part sun to shade.
Data sheet
Robust and moisture tolerant species from Nepal, with attractive tall foliage and lime-green flowers. A stately elegant plant that can be cut to the ground in winter, flowers appear early summer alongside delphiniums, lupins, and campanula.
We have selected this form for its showy larger than usual flowers and longer stem, which suits cutting for floral arrangements. To get the best out of these, plenty of fertility and moisture, shade to part sun.
A beautiful variety for mediterranean themed gardens and one of our favourite matt forming perennials. The silver foliage is evergreen and creates a good low ground cover for edges and foreground plantings. Added to its attractive appearance, easy cultivation and a long flowering period makes it a great plant for Australian gardens.
A terrific low growing variety for foreground plantings, only just over knee high and easier to manage than some of the larger kniphofia. Colourful burnt orange flowers in summer look good with rudbeckia, grasses and sedums.
A softer apricot colour than the regular brighter tangerine variety, flowers for much of the year in fertile heavier soil types.
Attractive glossy foliage plant for shade, use as mass plantings for ground cover or grouped as specimens. Likes free draining soil in a cool position, very tough however once established, evergreen. Flowers unexciting, we usually chop off to feature the beautifully attractive leaves which can get to 20cm across.
Floriferous South African dwarf bulb for the rockgarden and containers. Easy and prolific, very colourful in spring, combine with thymes, cyclamen, and miniature daffodils.
A terrific subulata ground covering variety, hundereds purple flowers in spring an a good groundcovering habit, likes some drainage but not overly fussy and can tolerate drying out in summer..
An attractive variety with tangerine to red single flowers, we love these for summer colour with rudbeckia, sedums and echinacea.
Old fashioned cottage garden perennial, robust form with upright flower stems, rich cobalt blue.
Low growing plant for shade or part shade, with spreading ground covering habit and porcelian blue flowers. Prefers open textured soil and easily divided once established, combines well with other woodland plants like anemone, rodgersia, and epimedium.
Tasmanian native flag iris, useful in combination with grasses and perennials. Lovely and abundant white flowers in spring, evergreen leaves and drought hardy.
Attractive dark stemmed form of Hydrangea macrophylla, flowers can vary from blue in acid soil or pink in alkaline. Old fashioned mop top flowers, good for floral work.
A strong variety of bluebells that will colonize well in areas of shade or part sun, active mid winter and flowering spring to early summer, potted cluster of bulbs.
Attractive cottage plant and popular medicinal plant also. Easily grown in well drained soil, best with added fertiliser.
White flowered form of E.comosa, strappy foliage and summer flowering, showy plant, winter deciduous, large bulbs.
Lower growing hosta with lots of lilac flowers and good rosettes of blue grey foliage. Useful variety for foreground plantings in part sun to shade.