Primula auricula 'Eden Greenfinch'
A good multiplier with a understated greenish bronze colour, nice and subtle.
Very pretty pale pink variety, mounding habit a bit over knee high for sunny position on drained soil. Trim after flowering to keep compact.60
Very pretty pale pink variety, mounding habit a bit over knee high for sunny position on drained soil. Trim after flowering to keep compact.
Data sheet
A good multiplier with a understated greenish bronze colour, nice and subtle.
My favourite new salvia for border, rose-garden or mass planting. White flowers enveloped by a royal purple calyx on a vigourous plant that"s not too big, but not too small. Grows well in large containers providing you remember to water.
A wonderful lime green variety, which visitors always comment on when in flower. A tidy plant that flowers for a long time and doesn't get too tall for the border.
A brilliant low grass with outstanding flowers and seedheads, suitable for massed foreground plantings in landscape design work or in clusters amongst other perennials. A slender plant so plant closely at 25cm for best results. Not self seeding in our trial stockbeds.
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.
A nice addition to the summer flowering pallette, this persicaria has a softer colour than 'Taurus' with similar good qualities of long flowering and good foliage and infill. Best on heavier fertile soils.
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
Beautiful variation of the species from Crete, originally from Marcus Harvey. Winter flowering, and a great compact structure plant in rock gardens amongst dwarf bulbs and cyclamen. Low mounding shape with grassy foliage , cold and drought hardy, long lived and only 25cm high. Overall great plant.
Papaver Choir Boy produces beautiful white poppies with black central blotches, grow in fertile moisture retentive clay based soil and allow to dry out over late summer. Not for pots.
A terrific compact form of artemesia popular in mediterranean gardens, similar to 'Powis Castle' in silver foliage effect but finer and less shrubby, more suitable amongst perennial plantings.
Useful to create blocks of colour during summer, when many spring flowers have finished blooming. A useful cut flower, the soft colour tones of yarrow are most welcome in mixed bunch combinations.
Old fashioned cottage garden perennial, robust form with upright flower stems, rich cobalt blue.
A pretty, low growing rivale type, suitable for the the cottage garden, foreground beds or path edging. Long flowering, best in heavier fertile soils.
Remarkable shrubby poppy from California for well drained soils and sun, will grow to a large bushy plant a metre across with dozens of white poppy flowers in summer. It requires a decent amount of space where it can sucker up and expand, resents transplantation once established. Very tough and drought hardy once established.