Santolina magonica
Low carpeting silver foliage cotton lavender, resembling a compact version of Santolina chaecyparissus. Brilliant in gravel gardens and mediterranean style plantings when combined with grasses, euphorbia, rosmarinus and erysimum.
Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.
Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.
Data sheet
Low carpeting silver foliage cotton lavender, resembling a compact version of Santolina chaecyparissus. Brilliant in gravel gardens and mediterranean style plantings when combined with grasses, euphorbia, rosmarinus and erysimum.
Strawberry coloured blooms with for a sheltered morning sun position or shade, a beautiful variety that doesnt self seed as much as the usual types.
Allium like plant with pink flowers and grassy foliage, tough and long lived, often used in cottage gardens and border plantings
Soft primrose yellow yarrow, good for floral work and cottage gardens. Easy to grow, perennial. Also referred to in herbal medicine, said to aid in the relief of colds and chest complaints.
Firey orange red calceolaria, long lived perennial variety with shrubby growth like salvia or santolina. Trim after flowering to maintain shape and vigour.
Low growing bedding and border plant with blue flowers, lasts well in a vase and keeps producing if deadheaded.
Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.
Evergreen shrub forming an attractive rounded shape with sweetly fragrant clusters of white and pink flowers in spring.
White form of the Algerian iris, equally as hardy as the blue forms. Best in free draining soil, colonizes well over time forming grassy mounds flowering in winter. Ideal mass planting under shrubs or specimen plant.
Native of Georgia and Turkey growing in shady places by streams in deciduous forest. A beautiful evergreen plant producing delicate porcelain blue flowers in the early spring. Works well as a mass planting beneath trees with hellebores and Geranium phaeum.
Lovely fluffy flowering texture in summer providing great fill and a soft contrast. A great grass all round and in early stages grows much like 'Karl Forester' until flowering time, when it looks very different; responds best in heavier fertile soils, and to date doesnt seed here.
An easily grown long flowering bushy perennial for a sunny spot, repeat flowers during summer and early winter if dead headed. A fine backdrop for lower perennials and fills out well between roses and salvias.
Old fashioned double primrose for part sun or shade in good soil. We never have many of these regretfully
Fantastic perennial unlike anything else. Large yellow sombrero-shaped daisies on 1.8 metre stems with large blue grey leaves. Focal point for the back of a mixed border or a feature in a prairie garden.
Attractive mauve colour distinct from the usual pinks and blues, cultivation as per other nemorosa varieties, will repeat flower on good soil if trimmed hard after first flowering.
Attractive cottage plant and popular medicinal plant also. Easily grown in well drained soil, best with added fertiliser.
Lowest growing of all the miscanthus, at around knee high, a very versatile and useful foreground filler that wont seed, and looks great with sedums, echinacea, salvia and rudbeckia. Winter foliage has pretty rusty pink tones. Give it nice soil, being a smaller one its fast growing as the big ones.