Primula auricula 'Dark Eyes'
Semi double almost black from our own breeding, vigorous and strong grower compared to others. Gravelly soil and full sun with some lime.
Warm climate blueberry, requiring less winter chill than others, however needs pollinator for best fruiting yeild
Warm climate blueberry, requiring less winter chill than others, however needs pollinator for best fruiting yeild
Data sheet
Semi double almost black from our own breeding, vigorous and strong grower compared to others. Gravelly soil and full sun with some lime.
A cultivar of nemorosa with clear blue flowers in spring. Makes a delightful pot plant, or woodland planting. Do not over-water after flowering, caution to those with irrigation systems, keep soil barely damp and not wet.
A bushy low growing variety with good blue flowers, ideally planted as path edgings or massed beneath roses or in grouped foreground plantings amongst other perennials. Repeat flowers well, so chop hard after first flowering to freshen up and will repeat flower 4 weeks later.
Terrific new variety from our own breeding, lower growing than most other varieties at around knee high, but larger than usual flowers in a good rich plummy colour. Good foliage too, likes moist rich soil.
Rich red flowered form from a strain we grew ten years ago. Thanks to Judy for some fresh seed to enable us to get this strain back into production.
White hydrangea, rounded clusters, vigorous and long flowering, colour not effected by soil pH.
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
Select large flowered form of the species, vigorous and long flowering. Medium height bushy plant, earlier than asters but works to same effect amongst other perennials.
Drought hardy silver foliage plant for topiary and background, use in place of Italian lavenders which are disappointing and die out after a few years. Attractive blue flowers, drought tolerant.
Strong upright variety great for amongst grasses and floral work. Best on drained soils. Cut to the ground in winter every 2-3 years when growth congested.
Lower growing useful mid season summer flowering allium producing bunches of rich pink flowers; forms bushy clumps and flowers after the tall rosenbachianum types, prolonging the flow of alliums during the season. As with other alliums, full sun, and drained soil is ideal, suit mediterranean dry summer climate and dont require watering if planted in...
A brilliant cushion forming plant, abundantly flowering in spring and early summer. We like to use these for path edgings and foreground plantings with dianthus and armeria. Best in friable soil.
Remarkable shrubby poppy from California for well drained soils and sun, will grow to a large bushy plant a metre across with dozens of white poppy flowers in summer. It requires a decent amount of space where it can sucker up and expand, resents transplantation once established. Very tough and drought hardy once established.
Bold plant for hot dry banks and rocky places where nothing else will thrive. Tall spires of decorative blue flowers in summer. Bees love echiums!
One of our favourite late season rudbeckias, a tall late summer flowering variety with lemon yellow green centred flowers on strong rigid stems, ideally suited to heavier soil types.
An attractive variety with tangerine to red single flowers, we love these for summer colour with rudbeckia, sedums and echinacea.
Warm climate blueberry, requiring less winter chill than others, however needs pollinator for best fruiting yeild