Dichondra 'Silver Falls'
Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.
A cold tolerant highbush variety with a long fruiting period, reputedly self fertile, however combining varieties improves pollination generally.
A cold tolerant highbush variety with a long fruiting period, reputedly self fertile, however combining varieties improves pollination generally.
Data sheet
Remarkable silver foliage plant, with vigourous trailing groundcovering habit; suits hanging basket or drystone wall. Extremely tough and adaptable.
Rare white form of the usual blue, useful for ground cover in part shade or sun. Vigorous and spreading like the blue form.
Rich pink form of Phlox paniculata, lovely upright tall flower stems, variety originally distributed by Frogmore Gardens. One of the more vigorous varieties but like all paniculata types, loves fertility and good soil with plenty of summer moisture!
A beautiful medium height triandrus cultivar with white flowers in spring, one of our favourite narcissus.
Attractive mauve colour distinct from the usual pinks and blues, cultivation as per other nemorosa varieties, will repeat flower on good soil if trimmed hard after first flowering.
A softer apricot colour than the regular brighter tangerine variety, flowers for much of the year in fertile heavier soil types.
Low mounding variety that will trail over a wall or amongst rocks, likes drained drier soil types. Tasmanian native, very pretty plant and surprisingly tough, will withstand summer dry.
A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.
Soft grey foliage spreading ground cover for most soils and dry conditions. Will fill nicely amongst verbascum, geraniums and carpet under roses.
A brilliant new cultivar with deep purple flowers. Easily cultivated in fertile moist soil, tall graceful stems.
A striking biennial for shade, forming strong mounds of good foliage and normally flowers in second or third year once the plant has acheived maturity, after which it will self seed. This is the rarely offered white form, the common form is pink.
A terrific subulata ground covering variety, hundereds purple flowers in spring an a good groundcovering habit, likes some drainage but not overly fussy and can tolerate drying out in summer..
Native grass found mostly around coastal areas in Tasmania and Victoria, this is our local form from the southern Channel area. It forms a lovely tussock in the garden and is less prone to die-back than some of the poa species.
A very popular "Pacific Giant" strain with deep inky blue flowers. Easily grown on good soil in sun.
Prolific mid season flowering verbena which combines well in meadow plantings amongst other perennials, the dark stems and foliage look particularly good in full sun with summer colours.
Low growing rivale type with a long flowering period, good for path edging or foreground beds, these do best in heavier soils with some fertility, but in good soil are drought hardy and will take some summer heat.
A cold tolerant highbush variety with a long fruiting period, reputedly self fertile, however combining varieties improves pollination generally.