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A beautiful medium height triandrus cultivar with white flowers in spring, one of our favourite narcissus.
A beautiful medium height triandrus cultivar with white flowers in spring, one of our favourite narcissus.
Data sheet
A local plant Ive always loved on the roadsides in summer on Bruny, flowering creamy white in massed colonies. A worthwhile addition to summer perennial plantings with sedums, austrostipa, agastache, and miscanthus. Lower growing and more slender than many other grasses.
Old fashioned perennial flowering in summer, with cobalt blue spikes and ground covering habit. Easy amongst geraniums, Dianthus, and helianthemums.
Clumping plant liking moister soils in woodland and part shade or morning sun. Attractive whorls or pink flowers amongst good foliage. Likes growing with Siberean iris, ligularia, and astilbe.
We have selected this form for its showy larger than usual flowers and longer stem, which suits cutting for floral arrangements. To get the best out of these, plenty of fertility and moisture, shade to part sun.
One of our favourite late season rudbeckias, a tall late summer flowering variety with lemon yellow green centred flowers on strong rigid stems, ideally suited to heavier soil types.
Parma type with sweet fragrance, soft lavender lilac double flowers, perfectly placed near a doorway or garden pathway where its subtle perfume can be appreciated.
Much improved form of the regular white Siberean iris, with larger flowers and a stronger growth habit. Likes moist fertile soil, border or pond margin, we imported from the UK in mid 90s.
Very pretty pale pink variety, mounding habit a bit over knee high for sunny position on drained soil. Trim after flowering to keep compact.60
A brilliant cushion forming plant, abundantly flowering in spring and early summer. We like to use these for path edgings and foreground plantings with dianthus and armeria. Best in friable soil.
Low mounding perennial for foreground colour, useful ground cover when mass planted at 25cm spacings under roses and along pathways. White form with pink eye, long flowering. Combine with dianthus helianthemum and miniature bulbs.
A beautiful new variety from our trial beds; flowers open white with a blush of pink on the underside, good stem length and vigour compared to other varieties. Grow in a cool damp spot on rich soil, winter deciduous as per other astrantia. Pinch out first flower to help roots develop.
Useful spreading low growing variety with a long flowering period, suits cottage garden or perennial border.
Attractive low growing variety that enjoys a meadow style planting amongst grasses and perennials. Dozens of creamy primrose flowers over a long period and reliably perennial.
A vigorous tall late summer flowering variety that never disappoints in its florferous abundance, provides good fill and the blue looks great with autumn grasses, sedums and rudbeckia.
An easily grown long flowering bushy perennial for a sunny spot, repeat flowers during summer and early winter if dead headed. A fine backdrop for lower perennials and fills out well between roses and salvias.
The true "bleeding heart", for well drained soil in a protected shady garden, native to China. Protect emerging shoots in early spring from pets and snails, cut back after flowering for a second flush of growth.
A beautiful medium height triandrus cultivar with white flowers in spring, one of our favourite narcissus.