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'Lily of the valley'. Clump forming and easy perennial for shade or part sun, sweetly fragrant bells in spring.
'Lily of the valley'. Clump forming and easy perennial for shade or part sun, sweetly fragrant bells in spring.
Data sheet
Aquilegia caerulea cultivar, long spurred sky blue flowers with white centres, like a softer version of 'Magpie'.
This is a rivale cultivar perfect for foreground plantings in the cottage garden or perennial border. Apricot and peach tones, a great little plant we found in Wales in the mid 90's.
The best red monarda; mildew resistant and tough as they come. Like all monarda, these grow best on fertile clay loam or well mulched moisture retentive soil types.
One our favourite new grasses, waist high flowers with rich green foliage, creating good mounding fill and texture within summer perennial plantings. Grows best on heavier fertile soils, and responds well to moisture in summer if available, but not overly demanding.
Attractive variation which flowers rich musk pink then fades to a soft pink, creating a lovely two tone effect.
Coral red trumpets with a white throat. Prolific, attractive and long flowering.
A strong variety of bluebells that will colonize well in areas of shade or part sun, active mid winter and flowering spring to early summer, potted cluster of bulbs.
Our own cross from this wonderful alpine which we have increased from division. Beautiful indigo shading to purple, free flowering and vigourous once established. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
This is the traditional "red hot poker" with bright upright orange pokers in summer and evergreen foliage. Easily grown and prolific.
Pinkish purple form of paniculata, old fashioned colour good with David Austin roses. Best grown in a herbaceous border or cottage garden setting.
Ancient herb and attractive border perennial flowering in summer. This is the red flowered form of bergamot, easy in rich clay based soils.
Much improved form of the regular white Siberean iris, with larger flowers and a stronger growth habit. Likes moist fertile soil, border or pond margin, we imported from the UK in mid 90s.
Common "meadowsweet", an attractive perennial for damp soil with dozens of medicinal and culinary uses. The white fluffy flowers can be added sparingly to jam and stewed fruit, and can be used to flavour wine, beer and cordials. The root is also used in varied herbal remedies.
Upright intermediate between 'Autumn Joy' and 'Purple Emperor', green foliage infused with purple, darkening as the season progresses. Rich pink and rose colours late in summer, wonderful amongst grasses and salvias.
Outstanding grey foliage plant for rock garden, border, or mass planting. Contrasts well with colourful foliage like berberis and cotinus, or in combination with Salvia nemorosa varieties. Yellow button flowers through summer, trim off if not your colour scheme!
Sculptural succulent from the Canary Islands with attractive lobed foliage. Grows well in a pot on the deck in a sunny spot.
'Lily of the valley'. Clump forming and easy perennial for shade or part sun, sweetly fragrant bells in spring.