Fragaria 'Pink Panda'
Cross between a strawberry and potentilla, this plant provides edible fruit and attractive pink flowers. use as ground-cover, cottage garden in-fill, mass planting or in tubs.
Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.
Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.
Data sheet
Cross between a strawberry and potentilla, this plant provides edible fruit and attractive pink flowers. use as ground-cover, cottage garden in-fill, mass planting or in tubs.
Deep pink hydrangea, flatter lacecap type like 'Tokyo Delight'; note pink varieties are less affected by soil pH than blue varieties.
An attractive species with glossy leaves and an showy leaf rosette. Amber flowers clustered tightly on tall stems.
Tall perennial suitable for clay soil types, winter deciduous and frost resistant. Light blue flowers in summer on tall stems, clumping and easy.
An old fashioned cottage garden variety, long in circulation but now at the risk of disappearing along with so many other varieties. Cushion forming clumper, for border or rock garden, attractive two toned semi double flowers in crimson and pink.
A wonderful winter foliage plant, most useful as ground cover around trees and deciduous shrubs. Foliage turns a red then dark chocolate providing it gets winter sun. Flowers yellow, introduced by Planthunters.
Our own variety which we have multiplied from division, flame orange fading into chesnut brown.
A useful landscaping plant for dry areas in shade or part-sun. Interesting orange berries after flowering and evergreen leaves.
Medium height with stongly vertical stems of rich pink flowers in summer, easy plant for the cottage garden.
A low growing, pure white aster that flowers well in summer, without requiring much in the way of water and staking. Best in a mixed perennial border, or between roses combined with geraniums and campanulas.
Outstanding grey foliage plant for rock garden, border, or mass planting. Contrasts well with colourful foliage like berberis and cotinus, or in combination with Salvia nemorosa varieties. Yellow button flowers through summer, trim off if not your colour scheme!
A lovely old double pink auricula which we have increased from division. Best in well drained conditions in a pot or the rock garden.
A tall Iris pseudacorus hybrid for the border or pondside. Can grow in water or in normal garden conditions. Bronze and gold flowers in spring. Can be rampant .
Double peachy pink carnation with full large flowers on medium stems. Fragrant and long lasting in the garden.
Hand pollinated seedlings from our best dark flowered plants from imported stock.
A delicate little species with distinctly different flowers from the usual dierama form. These are open bells like a campanula, deep pink in colour, and appear in mid to late summer.
Tall wand like stems, topped with pink bells, a lovely waterside plant, or well situated where it has some space around it so its form can be appreciated. Cut back occasionally.