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A tall herbaceous euphorbia, most likely a descendant of Euphorbia sikkimensis, with attractive multicoloured foliage and lime green flowers. Frost and drought hardy, cut to the ground annually like Euphorbia sikkimensis.
A tall herbaceous euphorbia, most likely a descendant of Euphorbia sikkimensis, with attractive multicoloured foliage and lime green flowers. Frost and drought hardy, cut to the ground annually like Euphorbia sikkimensis.
Data sheet
Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.
Tall, decorative late summer flowering purple biennial, introduced to us by Karen Hall. Treat like Angelica gigas, often takes three years to flower then self seeds.
Effective ground covering plant with blue flowers and glossy foliage. Combine with alchemillas, epimediums, hellebores and pachysandra.
A very useful groundcovering variety which forms strong colonies in even the most difficult dry areas. Pale blue flowers in spring and autumn.
The lush green leaves resemble the foliage of a Hosta and look great in mass plantings beneath trees. New Zealand native with sprays of starry white flowers in summer.
Pink form of Veronica longifolia, a good perennial groundcover under roses and amongst other perennials.
Strawberry coloured blooms with for a sheltered morning sun position or shade, a beautiful variety that doesnt self seed as much as the usual types.
Creeping perennial, native to woodland in central and western Europe. Lovely single upward facing white flowers, forms large patches in time. Easy in the garden, lower growing than the tall 'Windflower' varieties.
Upright evergreen ornamental grass, close relative to 'Karl Forester', however with cream and green linear markings on each leaf. Useful for variation of visual texture in grass plantings, attractive upright seedheads.
Rose pink form of Viola odorata, use as ground cover in shade under trees amongst Dicentra and Hostas.
Useful and prolific evergreen ground cover, flowering in winter and spring. Clear blue flowers, useful as mass plantings.
Totally prostrate thyme with white flowers. Good green foliage colour and perfect amongst stepping stones and cobbles. The pink equivalent is Thymus "Minimus"
Spectacular climber with lime bells followed by purple berries. Trim at early stage to maintain bushy habit and abundant flowering. Native to Tasmania in eucalyptus under-storey, often found with Clematis aristata and Pomaderris elliptica.
A tall cultivar flowering later than the species with pale blue semi-double flowers.
The usual form is silver but this variety has purple tinted leaves. Great in a large pot or tub, alternatively in the rock garden or border. Prefers well drained soil.
Commonly known as "Solomon"s Seal", a clumping perennial with attractive foliage and white flowers for shade or part sun.
A tall herbaceous euphorbia, most likely a descendant of Euphorbia sikkimensis, with attractive multicoloured foliage and lime green flowers. Frost and drought hardy, cut to the ground annually like Euphorbia sikkimensis.