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Filipendula rubra
Tall spreading perennial for streamsides, ponds or clay soils. Pink fluffy flowers like an Astilbe, attractive foliage.
This variety has huge, fringed orange-red blooms, which rival paeonies for show and splendour! Only a few, available July onwards.
This variety has huge, fringed orange-red blooms, which rival paeonies for show and splendour! Only a few, available July onwards.
Data sheet
Tall spreading perennial for streamsides, ponds or clay soils. Pink fluffy flowers like an Astilbe, attractive foliage.
Bushy plant with tons of closely packed white single flowers. Reddish buds before the flowers emerge creates a wonderful effect in early summer.
One of my favourite salvias, which always looks great in the autumn. The flowers are lime-green and in exhuberant clusters like something tropical. Responds well to good soil.
White double flowers. Strongly clumping variety useful as a cut flower or cottage garden background infill perennial; easy and prolific. Stake in windy areas or cram in between miscanthus and eupatorium.
Brilliant new variety with dark foliage ; strength and upright growth habit of 'Matrona' but the darker foliage of 'Purple Emperor' and red flowers.
A wonderful Geum kept in circulation by Dennis Norgate; vibrant tangerine orange, repeat flowers throughout the year and non seeding.
A lovely geranium for a partly sheltered cottage garden setting, producing lavender soft pink flowers forming an attractive clump. Best in good soil with some protection from wind, ideal between roses.
A ground govering variety with coral red flowers in spring on wiry stems. Good for floral work and easy amongst geraniums and campanulas.
The silvery foliage in combination with the abundant single soft pink flowers creates a lovely effect. Like a wild rose but much easier to look after and without the thorns.
Vigourous old fashioned mop top type, pure white flowers, useful for specimen or border plantings. Strong stemmed upright variety, useful for floral work.
Attractive shrub for the sunny border with apricot foxglove-like flowers in summer. Very drought tolerant but doesn't like frost.
Tall architectural grass for the herbaceous border or formal plantings with variegated white and green leaves. Semi evergreen but best cut back every few years.
Old fashioned blue campanula with tall stems forming a nice clump in time. Ideal between roses and a good cut flower.
Allium like plant with pink flowers and grassy foliage, tough and long lived, often used in cottage gardens and border plantings
Lemon thyme, great for savoury meat dishes and marinades, also a long flowering ornamental garden plant. Larger than most ground-covering types, it forms a 30 cm mound and flowers well in summer even in dry conditions. Ideal for mass planting amongst stones with paeonies and crocus. Pink flowers.
An attractive silver-leafed species with recurved leaves, lower growing than the more vertical A. chathamica.