Lysimachia ephemerum
Compact non-invasive clumping perennial with tall white flowers and grey green foliage. Like other lysimachia, these prefer fertile moisture retentive, clay based soils.
Evergreen mounding grass with delightful seedheads in autumn, will not self seed like many native grasses do. Lovely with sedums and miscanthus.
Evergreen mounding grass with delightful seedheads in autumn, will not self seed like many native grasses do. Lovely with sedums and miscanthus.
Data sheet
Compact non-invasive clumping perennial with tall white flowers and grey green foliage. Like other lysimachia, these prefer fertile moisture retentive, clay based soils.
Old fashioned shade-loving primrose with burgundy gold edged flowers. Choice and lovely.
Taller salvia for background plantings with pleasant sky blue flowers. Dislikes winter wet, preferring drainage for best cultivation.
A recent introduction by us is this sedum from my mothers garden, with white flowers, which is an unusual colour in the world of sedums! As with other sedums, easy to grow in full sun position in most soil types. Rarely but occasionally these can produce a pale pink sport, which should be removed with a sharp knife at the crown at the time of flowering.
Shade loving variety with delicate soft pink flowers in summer. Use as background planting to hostas and hellebores for summer display.
Faded lilac purple, like old velvet. Subtle colour lovely in drifts with other varieties for tapestry of colours.
The silvery foliage in combination with the abundant single soft pink flowers creates a lovely effect. Like a wild rose but much easier to look after and without the thorns.
I love helianthemums for their abundant flowering, and superb ground covering abilities in poor growing conditions. We found this as a chance seedling and thought it was worth naming and propagating.
One of the best achillea for foliage structure, the flowers are at their best pre colouring when the combination of grey flower buds and silvery foliage provide a lovely texture amongst summer perennials.
We have selected this form for its showy larger than usual flowers and longer stem, which suits cutting for floral arrangements. To get the best out of these, plenty of fertility and moisture, shade to part sun.
Leafy plant from saxifragaceae family, useful for ground cover in dry shade where acanthus and euphorbia can take over. Good drainage and neutral to alkaline soils preferred.
Japanese woodland species with climbing habit. Prefers drained peaty soil and sun protection, ideal for southern wall or trellis.
Terrific ornamental grass which has not shown any seedling to date, which makes it a very welcome addition as a foliage filler. The foliage is nicely mounding, evergreen and knee high, and the red pompom flower heads have almost the effect of a sanguisorba, later fading to a pleasant straw colour until mid winter providing an effective textural effect....
Impressive cottage garden plant and cut flower, perennial in well drained soil, but easily reproduced by seed or cuttings.
Old fashioned double primrose for part sun or shade in good soil. We never have many of these regretfully
Attractive mauve colour distinct from the usual pinks and blues, cultivation as per other nemorosa varieties, will repeat flower on good soil if trimmed hard after first flowering.